Dear Friend,
The stakes couldn’t be higher…
…and the pro-abortion crowd is on the march.
We need to reach Catholic voters in Ohio!
Ohio is still deciding, and August 8 will be the final moment of truth:
Will Ohio voters defend their constitution from the influence of Big Abortion?
Chip in to defeat abortion in Ohio!
For weeks, CatholicVote has been on the ground in Ohio urging a “yes” vote on Issue 1.
Democrats have already created an amendment for the ballot in November that would enshrine abortion with virtually no limitations as a “right” in Ohio’s constitution.
A “yes” vote on Issue 1 would raise the threshold for that amendment and others from a simple majority (50 +1) to 60%.
Ohio is a good state. A pro-life state. A state that values family and true justice.
But out-of-state behemoths like Planned Parenthood and the ACLU are already working hard to deceive Ohio.
These manipulators want their radical amendments in the state constitution – and it’s up to us to defend Ohio against those who would make it an abortion state… an anti-family state… a radical pro-“trans” state that shields attacks on our children from the law.
Can you help us reach 17 voters with your $25 gift?
Again: abortion is already on the November 2023 ballot.
We need Ohio to vote “Yes” on Issue 1 on August 8.
Will you help us reach Catholics in Ohio?
P.S. Do you live in Ohio? You don’t have to wait until August 8 to vote “Yes” on Issue 1. Here’s our easy guide on how to vote early. Check it out.
P.P.S. The special election is expected to have very low turnout – so every pro-life Catholic we get to the polls will have that much more power to defend unborn children.
>>> Your $25 gift will help us reach 17 voters…
>>> Your $100 gift will help us reach 68 voters…
>>> Your $150 gift will help us reach 102 votes…
If we can reach Catholic voters with the truth – then we can win! Will you help?