When my long-time colleague, Director of America Needs Fatima, Mr. Robert Ritchie, who is also a longtime member of The American Society of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), told me about their protest of ebay auctioning off this vile attack on both Our Lord and His Most Pure Mother, – well … I wanted you to be able to participate. So the links will direct you to America Needs Fatima’s web site. Thank you, Gary Isbell ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dear TFP Reader, Our Lady and the Christ-Child are being terribly blasphemed and sold at auction.
Please join 114,054 other devotees of Mary Most Holy.
Here’s the dreadful news:
The mega online auction and sales giant eBay is allowing the sale of T-shirts carrying a disrespectful and blasphemous depiction of Our Lady and the Christ-Child.
ATTENTION: with apologies! …the following shocking description is necessary but rather vulgar.
eBay allows these sellers to use Andres Serrano’s sodden and blasphemous image of the ‘Madonna & Child’ on the fronts and backs of T-shirts offered for sale…
…BUT, in the photo, Serrano has dunked the statue in a jar of his own ‘bodily fluid’!
Please join me in this protest petition. It is important and essential that we react to these horrible blasphemies. Thus we avoid complacency with the spirit of the World…
When it comes to Our Lord and His Blessed Mother’s name and honor, I want to be the first to say to these companies: “You are NOT touching them!”
In Sister Lucia’s overnight vigil of May 29-30, 1930, Our Lord appeared to her and told her why His Mother was asking for the 5 First Saturdays Devotion.
He explained that the 5 First Saturdays correspond to the five kinds of offenses and blasphemies committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the fifth of which is: This eBay protest is not just a blasphemy against the Mother of God, but also her Divine Son, the Christ-Child. This is a double blasphemy.
Step 1) Tell eBay to pull the Madonna & Child “dunked in body fluid” t-shirt auctions
Let us stand up for Mother Mary and her Child, Our Lord Jesus Christ!
And after you have done your protest, please…
Step 2) Forward this email to all of your family and friends and ask them to join you in this important petition to defend the ‘Madonna & Child’ against this ongoing wave of blasphemies against Our Lord and Our Lady.
God love you! And Mary be with you! Robert E. Ritchie, Director of America Needs Fatima
P.S.: Long live the holy Madonna & Child! Defend Our Blessed Mother and her Divine Son – PROTEST NOW! |  | Until next time, I remain Sincerely yours, Gary J. Isbell Tradition Family Property www.tfp.org
| P.S. - If you are happy with the work of the American TFP, please consider giving a small tax deductible gift today so we can expand our spiritual crusades. Thank you! May God bless you. |
© 2023 The American TFP
PO Box 341, Hanover, PA 17331