Saturday, July 29, 2023

Christopher Wray is shaking with rage after this sinister scheme is made public JULY 27, 2023; Thanks to some diligent investigating, it appears obvious that the FBI and other federal law enforcement agencies have abused federal resources for years.


Christopher Wray is shaking with rage after this sinister scheme is made public

Thanks to some diligent investigating, it appears obvious that the FBI and other federal law enforcement agencies have abused federal resources for years.

Among these resources are the notorious FISA courts, which they have allegedly abused to spy on American citizens. But Christopher Wray is shaking with rage after this sinister scheme is made public. No laws or policies will get in the way of the FBI

Over the last several months, shocking revelations have emerged regarding the FBI’s illegal use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) courts and other resources to monitor American civilians.

However, a recently unveiled Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court opinion indicates that the FBI broke policy by spying on even more United States citizens, including a United States Senator, a state Senator, and a state judge.These searches were conducted under the guise of the controversial provision known as Section 702, which allows the federal government to conduct surveillance on non-U.S. citizens located abroad to acquire foreign intelligence information. Unfortunately, this section has been abused significantly, leading to many lawmakers to call for its end.

As it stands, the identities of the individuals, politicians, and judges who were spied on remain unknown to the public. More specifically, the newly released FISA opinion claimed “Some violations of the querying standard coincided with failure to follow an FBI policy that requires prior Deputy Director approval to use ‘sensitive query terms’ — e.g. identifiers of domestic public officials, domestic political candidates, members of the news media, academics, and religious organizations or persons prominent within them.”

It added, “The analyst had information that a specific foreign intelligence service was targeting those legislators, but NSD determined that the querying standard was not satisfied,”

And on Oct. 25, 2022, “a staff operations specialist ran a query using the social security number of a state judge who had complained to FBI about alleged civil rights violations perpetrated by a municipal chief of police.’” The FBI has gone rogue at the expense of American citizens

What these opinions show is that the FBI and other federal law enforcement agencies have repeatedly broken protocols to spy on Americans and American elected officials.

Most Americans would agree that these breaches of protocol are alarming and need to be further investigated.

The FBI and the Department of Justice are in hot water after a number of scandals, some indicating that the FBI may be used to achieve political biddings of Joe Biden and his allies.

Americans have every right to doubt federal law enforcement, and calls are growing for Congress to place these matters at the very top of their agenda.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates on this ongoing story.

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