In case you missed it...
Carl, if you were a Christian that wanted to attend worship service in 2020, government officials treated you like a terrorist.
If you were a criminal that assaulted innocent people, burned buildings to the ground and ransacked every business in your path, Leftists handed you the keys to the city.
Today, they are at it again. They don’t even hide it anymore. They’re disrupting Christmas lighting ceremonies, attacking churches and shouting slogans against our Judeo-Christian values and way of life.
They pretended it was about safety, but we both know that was a lie.
It was about control.
It was about their agenda.
And it was about their decades-in-the-making war on Christian America.
No matter what you believe or who you worship, this is your fight.
You see, the radical Left is doing everything in their power to rip Christianity from our culture, because that’s where our freedoms, our rights, our liberties -- the values that have defined our nation -- came from.
That’s why I hope I can count on your generous, tax deductible donation of $45 or more to ACT For America today as we fight to preserve our nation.
By now, you know my story. I’m passionate about standing up for freedom and preserving our security.
I spent decades entrenched in this battle to save America and stand with Israel. I see the radicals demonstrating across the country for who they really are.
And I know the reason Leftist politicians hunted down churchgoers like enemies of the state while violent criminals roamed free over the last three years.
It wasn’t negligence, coincidence, or incompetence.
They want to tear Christianity and religion from our country because they want to replace God with government.
They want you answering to the State and the State only.
And they know if they can strip America’s religious foundation, they can finally shred our Constitution and destroy the institutions that made us who we are.
But this war is far from over, and I need you on my side.
I need your urgent tax deductible donation of $45, $75 or $100 so together we can organize and prepare for the battle of our life in 2024.
I founded ACT For America because I was determined to expose and fight those who wish to harm America and destroy our way of life in the hopes that I could stop them in their tracks.
Since then we’ve helped pass 210 bills on the federal and state level to protect America, mobilized hundreds of thousands of people – and we’ve changed hearts, minds and outcomes.
The Left comes after us time and time again because they know just how effective we are.
We’ve been targeted by the IRS, Paypal, and 8 different financial institutions trying to suffocate our voice and end our existence.
But we won’t back down – no matter who comes after us.
Because there is no nonprofit with a history like ours -- or more importantly, as effective as ours.
There is no nonprofit with our expertise or understanding of the radical Left and its motives, or the track record we have to back it up.
That’s why I hope I can count on your generous, tax-deductible gift of $45, $75, $100 or more today – and as a thank you for your support, I’ll send you a complimentary copy of “RISE”, In Defense of Judeo-Christian Values and Freedom.
Karl Marx said it himself: communism begins where atheism begins.
Simply put, without Christianity, we have no country, and we have no future.
But too many of our fellow citizens don’t understand what’s at stake, or exactly what we’re up against.
And I need your help sounding the alarm.
I hope I can count on you.
Always devoted,
Brigitte Gabriel