Christianity Under Attack

( – Emphasizing their extremist and militant nature, radical pro-Palestinian demonstrators have adopted a new approach, targeting Christmas tree lightings and other Christian symbols across the United States. This shift in focus accompanies their established pattern of targeting Israeli and Jewish symbols.
One notable incident occurred in Los Angeles, where protesters moved from a fundraiser for Joe Biden to a neighborhood with several synagogues. There, they defaced walls with anti-Israel graffiti and vandalized a local church. Similar disruptions were observed at the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lighting in New York City, leading to clashes with the police.In California, Governor Gavin Newsom had to shift the state’s Christmas tree lighting indoors due to protest threats. Additionally, in Michigan, a children’s choir at a Ypsilanti Christmas tree lighting was disrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters last month.The rationale behind targeting Christmas, Christian symbols, and Jewish institutions raises questions. While there are Palestinian Christians, and some radicals claim Jesus was Palestinian, it’s crucial to note that Jesus was a Jew living in Israel before the term “Palestine” came into use.
One perspective suggests that pro-Palestinian protests have increasingly adopted Islamic elements. For instance, Muslim demonstrators at the Los Angeles protest conducted prayers during the event. It’s important to know that Christians in areas under the Palestinian Authority, like Bethlehem, have faced persecution from Muslims, potentially leading to their marginalization within the pro-Palestinian movement.The targeting of evangelical Christians, who are often perceived as pro-Israel, might be another factor in making churches and Christian events subjects of hostility. Additionally, the choice of high-profile public events, like the Art Basel festival in Miami, could be a tactic to garner attention.
However, such protests are counterproductive, evidenced by the lack of mainstream American support for their cause. Targeting beloved events like Christmas tree lightings is unlikely to win public sympathy for the pro-Palestinian cause. Additionally, pro-Palestinian radical Rashid Khalidi’s description of Israeli communities attacked on October 7 as “suburban” indicates a perception that these targets are representations of capitalism and complacency. Similar attitudes were evident in the Black Lives Matter movement’s targeting of a church near the White House in May 2020.