Terrifying: Young Americans Want To Eliminate Israel And Replace It With Hamas;Education Unhinged - Student Fails Quiz For 'Only Women Can Get Pregnant' Answer;The Fig Tree Is Alive: Are We Among The Generation That 'Shall Not Pass Away'?
So, which generation was Jesus talking about when he said, "this generation shall not pass away" (Matthew 24:34)? He was speaking of the generation that will see the fig tree come back to life. But who is the fig tree and how long is a generation?
As we look forward to what's to come in 2024, it's important to examine the globalist roadmap for 2024 which include 3 important globalist gatherings you need to be watching.
In yet another example of education gone woke, an activist history teacher has failed a Seattle student on a quiz for saying only women can get pregnant and that only men have penises.
A recent poll of Americans’ opinions about the Israel-Hamas war revealed some disturbing beliefs held by the younger demographic. A majority of young Americans thought the solution to the conflict should be the annihilation of Israel and replacing it with a Hamas-run entity.