It is an honor to have you as a member of our subscription service! Share today. NUMBER SEVEN: The Seven SealsThe opening of the seven seals begins with the inauguration and enthronement of Christ at and on the throne of the Living God. This will rock your world!
SEVEN SEALS OPENED FROM THE THRONE OF GODThe Seven Seals of Revelation, found in the Book of Revelation in the New Testament, is a set of symbolic seals that contain a present reality of the actions of the Living God that begin the apocalyptic period of the Antichrist’s Seven Year Reign. This episode will rock your world! Jesus, the Christ, who is presently on His Throne in Heaven, holds a scroll in His hands. It is a scroll written on the front and back, revealing that nothing more can be added by humanity, demonic spirits, Satan, or angels. This scroll is published by God on Heaven’s side. The scroll contains three sets of sevens: seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls of wrath – the anger of God the Father, which are also called the seven judgments.One of the Lord’s angels proclaims in a loud voice, ”Who is worthy to open the scroll and to lose the seals (Revelation 5:2)?” As expected, we learn that the only One is Jesus, who sits at the right hand of God the Father. Jesus gradually unsealed and unrolled, and the judgments are carried out on the earth, which ultimately leads to the earth being delivered into the hands of the King of kings – the One who has redeemed His Bride to be brought unto the Father without blemishes. The opening of the seven seals begins with the inauguration and enthronement of Christ at and on the throne of the Living God. The events triggered by the opening of the seven seals take place on earth as the Antichrist steps up to rule. The moment this global false christ claims his worldwide dominance, the scroll begins to unroll. The opening of the seven seals represents the steps or means by which God, through Christ, prepares the way to end humanity’s history, the torturous acts of Satan, his demons, and the generational sins of mankind. The reading of this scroll releases the final acts of God’s wrath before Jesus comes in His Second Coming to rule the earth for 1,000 years of perfect peace. Be warned.Do not take the unrolling of this scroll lightly. The actions of Jesus reading the scroll portray the opening of the seven seals, which triggers a sequential chain of events and judgments on earth: war and slaughter, famine, pestilence, and a relentless purification of earth and all that is on it. Remembering, the Bride of Christ will be at Jesus’s side. Shortly after the Rapture, this scroll begins to be unrolled.Another major factor to keep in mind, the Old Testament perfectly matches the language of Revelation 6:1-8, which parallels the covenant curses in the Pentateuch and their execution in the context of the old Babylonian exile. However, in the book of Revelation, it is the execution of destroying the newly revitalized New Babylon, which is a description of the Antichrist’s global governing system. By placing our attention on Revelation chapters 4 – 5, we see the setting of the throne of God, Jesus sitting at His right side, a scroll filled with judgments, and an angel readied to ask a question. The reading of these judgments is called Jacob’s Troubles, also known as the Tribulation. While most think the Seven-Year Tribulation is based on the troubles the Antichrist causes, this is not true. Tribulation is the period of the reading of the scroll, which causes troubles for the Antichrist and his followers. The scroll contains Seven Seals. The best way to view this is seven separate documents – each being sealed with a blood-red wax King’s insignia. Each document is opened one at a time. The following document is not opened until the fulfillment of the last judgment contained in the previous document. All sealed documents are set up for the seventh sealed announcement – the Seven Trumpet Judgments, which is the official release of God’s final judgment on humanity. Within the seventh seal, there are seven trumpet soundings, also known as the Seven Bowls of Wrath. Within the final seal, everything and all things will incur the judgment that takes place after this document is opened. As an overview:The first four seals are general judgment reactions by God upon the earth and involve four horsemen who are released to ride upon the earth, who ignite the judgment process - God’s method of getting the attention of the earth dwellers. Biblically, horses represent strength and fear. Thus, God reveals His strength while placing the fear of God into earthlings. To God and most humans, horses are considered weapons of war. This is certainly the case for the four horsemen. The final three seals release an even more pinpointed picture of God intervening in the lives and affairs of the people who are living on the earth during this time. Interestingly enough, the pattern of four and three is seen again in the seven trumpets and bowls of judgment – resulting in both cases the remaining three with each are more intense and severe. Let’s review the Seven Seals: FIRST SEAL | THE WHITE HORSE: The White Horse is called The Conqueror. The rider on this horse is none other than the Antichrist. He comes out of the closet at the beginning of the Lord’s Tribulation upon the earth. His bow is a pictorial of his refined ability to conquer the entire world. Please note that this white horse is NOT to be confused with the White Horse in Revelation 19-11-16, which is the horse that Jesus, the Christ, returns to earth upon for His 1,000-year reign. As usual, Satan is the great replicator. SECOND SEAL | RED HORSE: The second horse is called Conflict on Earth. Revelation 6:3-4 describes a rider who will bring a blood bath upon humanity. The rider was given a sword and permitted to take peace from the earth by igniting a slaughtering of one another, which eliminates the fake peace plan of the Antichrist. War, murder, and bloodshed will dominate the day (Matt. 24:6, 21). THIRD SEAL | BLACK HORSE: Biblically speaking, the color black is typically associated with famine, which is extreme scarcity of food. The rider is holding a pair of weight scales, which will measure out a loaf of bread for a day’s wages. During the Tribulation, food will be limited for the poor, and people of luxury will feast on what was taken from the poor. Most believe this describes the system of socialism. The black rider will be all about tipping the scales in favor of the wealthy. FOURTH SEAL | PALE HORSE: The horse and rider are called Death on Earth. The color pale is always associated with death. The rider’s name is Death. Revelation 6:7-8 tells us that Hades follows closely behind this rider. Hades is the place of darkness – the precursor to Hell. The rider is given permission by God to kill over a fourth of the inhabitants on earth with a sword, starvation, and pestilence. Population control finally comes into play. The remaining survivors will be the arrogant, wealthy individuals whom God will deal with in a special way. FIFTH SEAL | THE CRY OF MARTYRS: The cry of the martyrs is not an earth-bound cry. The fifth seal brings us back to Heaven, where the martyred Saints housed under the throne of God get their revenge. This particular seal presents the proof to keeping His promise to all believers who were martyred for their faith, conducted by the actions of the four horsemen. The reason this group is special to God is that each gave their lives for Christ as Jesus gave His Life for them. SIXTH SEAL | THE COSMIC HEAVENS GO DARK: When this seal is opened, all lights go out. It all starts with a massive global earthquake, the sun goes dark, and the moon becomes a permanent blood red. Furthermore, the stars of the sky fell to the earth, causing the sky to vanish. Finally, every mountain and island is removed from its place because OF the falling stars. The entire globe will look like the aftermath of a worldwide nuclear holocaust. During this seal, all the wealthy run and hide like scared animals. As one might guess, there was no place to hide. The remaining survivors of the first five seals realize the God of the Universe, Jesus’s Father, is revealing His anger. In spite of their revelation, it’s too late; all are put to death and condemned. SEVENTH SEAL | PRELUDE TO THE SEVEN TRUMPETS: When this seal is opened, the Seven Trumpets of Judgments are sounded. When Jesus opened the seal, silence fell on all of Heaven for a half hour. Seven angels come forth, each holding a trumpet. God announces He is about to answer the prayers of the Saints. After all the prayers rose to the ears of God, the angel filled the vessel with the wrath of God’s fire - at which time, the angel threw it to the earth. As the censer was on its passage to the earth, thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning, and more earthquakes trembled the earth. The final judgment is ready for the rebels, past and present. The Seventh Seal opens the passageway for the Seven Bowls of Wrath. These seals are some of the most notable apocalyptic symbols contained within the Old and New Testaments. Their overall meaning, as well as what triggers their opening and what each seal brings, is the strongest eschatological factor in God’s recorded documents from the ages. The contents of this scroll are the same content that was sealed up by God in Daniel 12:8-9, which said, “sealed until the time of the end.” The unrolling of the scroll was given to Daniel in prophecy. Since this was a delicate prophecy, God held this knowledge close to His heart until the seals were broken open by Jesus Christ Himself. While Daniel was used to seal this knowledge, John was the man God chose to see the opening of these Seven Seals. COMING JANUARY 16TH: The Seven Praises, found in the Book of Revelation, is a set of required praises - power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessings. Don’t miss it.Thanks for subscribing to The End Times Chronicles. Your paid subscription helps us advance our non-profit’s mission. Dr. Stephen R. Phinney is dedicated to providing quality media and publications that advance the Life of Christ. Paid subscribers receive free eBooks, media content, and other free stuff.Hey, fellow writers/readers, would you be open to buying me a cup of coffee? Check out this fun way of supporting my writing: |