Bongino’s Latest J6 Clip Is Going NUCLEAR… Is Cheney Getting Nervous Yet?

Kash Patel knows where to look for the smoking gun... the paperwork

Kash Patel is ready to ask the questions nobody has been asking. Questions that could make Crossfire Hurricane seem like a minor indiscretion by comparison. And speaking of Crossfire Hurricane… Kash Patel was the one who helped Devon Nunez dig up the truth of THAT nest of corruption.

Countless lives have been destroyed in the last four years since the that what DJT hoped would be a Peaceful and Patriotic protest that was supposed to happen on J6 broke down into a full riot.

The fix was in (obviously) with the J6 Select Committee. We have evidence that suggests members of that committee may have obstructed justice, destroyed evidence, and suborned perjury.

Every time Conservatives in Congress tried to get straight answers about questions like the pipe bomb, why Ray Epps was quietly removed from the FBI wanted list, or how many people in that crowd had some kind of a business arrangement (formal or otherwise) with the Feds, the American public (on whose behalf such questions were asked) was stonewalled.

Four years later, AFTER the Dems lost the general election, the report finally comes out admitting that (at minimum) some two dozen or so assets were in the crowd.

But that opens up a whole NEW can of worms to punch holes in their ‘Insurrection’ narrative… one the media hasn’t caught up with yet, but one that Kash Patel sees as clear as day.

(Tweet source here.)

If it takes at LEAST six months to get confidential sources up and running… and they were all congregated around a Trump event at the capital… what the HELL were they hired to do in the first place?

Going by the MINIMUM timeline that Kash Patel offers for getting a confidential source up and running — six months — that means they were hired since at LEAST July of 2020… in a presidential election cycle.

For those playing along at home, that’s about the same phase of Trump’s SECOND election cycle that nefarious actors ginned up the Crossfire Hurricane/Steele Dossier hit job in his FIRST election cycle.

Is it any wonder so few of us trust the FBI to act as impartial agents of the law?

Even if Biden pardons the BIG names in the J6 Select Committee, he can’t shield them from class action suits. And there are plenty of second-order players in this drama he won’t be able to shield.

This seems a good moment to crow:

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