Sunday, December 22, 2024

“I was at a breaking point; I was so scared about how I would make ends meet with a baby to raise. I felt that life had dealt me a cruel hand and I did not want to bring a child into this cruel world.” – Tamar

 This email is from a Preferred Partner of Viewpoint Israel


Financial hardship is the top reason given by women in Israel that seek to abort their baby


“I was at a breaking point; I was so scared about how I would make ends meet with a baby to raise. I felt that life had dealt me a cruel hand and I did not want to bring a child into this cruel world.” – Tamar


But what if Tamar knew that she was not alone and there was a community that would help her with everything she and her baby would need for two years?


When a woman with an unexpected pregnancy walks through the doors of EFRAT, she is often feeling alone, confused, desperate, and terrified. It takes courage to walk through those doors, but when she does, she is immediately welcomed by one of our 150 trained volunteers that often have already walked in her shoes and are now there to support her.


At EFRAT, we believe every woman who wants to have her baby should be empowered to do so! Tamar’s story did not end there …


“Finally, my beautiful daughter was born. EFRAT came through with everything they’d promised. I received a brand-new crib, stroller, baby bath, clothing, bottles, a blanket, and monthly packages of diapers and wipes.”


Since 1977, EFRAT has provided hope, support, and a path forward for over 85,000 women—those are futures changed! Women who initially felt their only choice was to end their pregnancies due to financial stress now have the support they need to choose motherhood.


Todaywhen you give a gift of any amountYOU give women like Tamar hope and the means to bring her baby into the world. Give now.


Nir Salomon

Executive Director



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