Diversity, Equity, and Perversity?A new brand of “inclusion” is gaining traction among the terminally ignorant...
Editor’s Note: The intent of this post is not to disparage the legitimately mentally ill, but to expose the evil manipulators who would take advantage of them for their own gain. First, there were the gays and lesbians, then bisexuals, then the queers, and then the transgenders who insisted on their pronouns and rights to play as men in women’s sports. They were followed by the questioning, intersex, asexual, and two-spirit people. Then came the “plus” … the morbidly obese who demanded their rights to be considered healthy and beautiful, as well as the sex workers, the non-binary, and those genderqueers who fluidly move between the identities of male and female. Now, we have the newest entry into the LGBTQIA2S+ big tent of victimhood… the “neurodiverse”. Therapist Judy Singer explains neurodivergence like this, “A way to reflect the different ways our brains help us to engage with the world and people around us. Importantly, neurodivergence is a social concept and not a diagnosis. You cannot be diagnosed as neurodivergent, but you can be diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), etc… all of which can see a person’s mental function differ from those of an average person, a neurotypical”. But sadly, this current “neurodiversity movement” is not about loving and accommodating neurodiverse people but using them to gain political advantage. Since the LGBTQIA2S+ lobbyists have come on the scene, we now are forced to accept people with various gender identities, society will likely soon have to accommodate the neurodiverse as “normal” or be considered hateful or “racist”. Imagine the consequences…
One writer put it this way… “The normalization of the once marginalized is ongoing, and now the very idea of “normal” itself is under attack.” These efforts are similar to, but different than the Furries, many of whom groom autistic children for sexual abuse. Just the Beginning… This new brand of “inclusion” is gaining traction among the terminally ignorant. A Neurodiversity Celebration Week is scheduled for March 2025. The once prestigious consulting firm, McKinsey & Company is advising clients that neurodiversity can be a competitive advantage for organizations that embrace it. Last April, the University of Michigan ran a conference on the topic. A recent article from the Harvard Medical School defined “neurodiversity” as bringing mental illness into the realm of normal versus a condition suggesting a limitation to be remediated… stating that, “Neurodiversity describes the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways…” In early December, the Biden-Harris administration granted millions of dollars in funding for a virtual treatment that aims to help cure eating disorders by “affirming” LGBTQIA+ patients’ sexual orientation and gender claims. Their objective is to “develop and provide” the Promoting Resilience to Improve Disordered Eating (PRIDE) treatment — a virtual “identity-affirming eating disorder treatment for LGBTQIA+ patients.” The PRIDE initiative is based on the idea that “identity-related stress” is an “underlying motivator of disordered eating,” and thus “affirming and supporting” patients’ beliefs that they are LGBTQIA+ can help cure eating disorders. Really? Where is This All Headed? Look closely at the ND logo above and its rainbow flag colors. It is nothing less than a further attempt to normalize sexual perversion by building an ever-expanding protective wall around it… all designed to shield their sinful behavior from the laws of man. However, the most important laws are created by God and trump any rules made by man. Consider this from the Book of Romans about one’s accountability to God…
It’s All About Power, Control, and Manipulation The LGBTQIA2S+ big tent people are employing this “neurodiversity” scam to protect them from criticism over things such as transgenderism, pedophilia, and other perverse behaviors. Neurodiversity under the banner of DEI is designed to use and take advantage of those with neurological disorders without regard for the consequences. What they are actually doing is preying on a vulnerable population who, like everyone else, wants to belong somewhere. What is the ultimate goal of this expansion? To enshrine pedophile rights in federal law to destroy your children. Pray this never happens… If you enjoy our posts, help us cover the expense of this blog by buying us a coffee… |