Sunday, December 22, 2024

1 In 20 Canadian Deaths Were… BY ANASTASIA BOUSHEE DECEMBER 21, 2024 NO COMMENTS


1 In 20 Canadian Deaths Were…

New data from the Canadian government shows that a staggering one in 20 Canadian deaths last year came through medically assisted suicide.

On Wednesday, Canada Health released its annual report, which confirmed that a total of 15,343 people were killed via Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) program in 2023 — which involves administering poison orally or through a person’s veins.

As the total deaths in Canada in 2023 was 326,571, this means that MAID deaths made up roughly 4.7%.

Since Canada legalized the program in 2016, a shocking 60,301 Canadians have killed themselves using the program — which is more than the population of many towns, including Sarasota, Florida.

The first year of the program saw just 1,018 people die, but the numbers have rapidly increased over the years — rising to nearly 20,000 people who applied for MAID in 2023, with only 915 people being deemed ineligible for the program and nearly 500 people withdrawing their requests to be killed. Some also passed away before they could obtain their assisted suicide.

These shocking statistics only serve to confirm people’s worst fears about MAID, as critics argued that the program would lead to mass death and the promotion of MAID for illnesses that are not even life-threatening, incurable, or illnesses that don’t even cause severe pain. When the program was first introduced, the only people eligible for it were adults whose natural death is “reasonably foreseeable.” However, it was expanded in 2021 to adults whose natural death is not “reasonably foreseeable,” including people with non-terminal illnesses or disabilities.

The death numbers are only going to get worse in the future, as Canada has declared that people suffering “solely from a mental illness” will be eligible for MAID in early 2027.

However, people with serious mental illness have already taken advantage of the program.

According to The Daily Wire, “Alan Nichols, 61, was hospitalized in 2019 over fears he might be suicidal and asked his brother to “bust him out” as soon as possible. However, within a month, he had applied for assisted suicide and was killed. He listed ‘hearing loss as the one reason he wanted to die.”

“Another man, Amir Farsoud, 54, was living with agonizing chronic back pain and took depression and anxiety medication,” the outlet added. “He wanted to end his life using MAID in 2022 as he was unable to work, lived on government checks, and felt there was no way to avoid homelessness when the shared house he rented was listed for sale.”

Luckily, Farsoud changed his mind about wishing to die, as good Samaritans came forward to raise over $60,000 for him.

“I’m a different person,” Farsoud said after he received the money. “I had nothing but darkness, misery, stress and hopelessness. Now I have all the opposite of those things.”

Even the far-left Washington Post has urged the Canadian government to “rethink” the “risky expansion” of MAID — arguing that the expansion of the program to people suffering from mental illness “goes too far.”

“Many in the grips of psychiatric distress view, temporarily, suicide as their only way out, only to later be grateful they did not kill themselves in the depths of their suffering,” the editorial board wrote.

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