Sunday, December 22, 2024

For the first time in our nation’s history, a Nativity scene was displayed on the steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.


First Liberty

Dear Carl,

With the holiday season underway and Christmas right around the corner, I recently came across something that really lifted my spirits. And I wanted to share it with you.

For the first time in our nation’s history, a Nativity scene was displayed on the steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

On December 10, a group came together to put up the Nativity on the southeastern steps of the Capitol, where they also had a time of prayer, sang Christmas carols and read the Christmas story aloud.

“We are so very thankful for the opportunity to share the joyful and powerful message of Christmas at the steps of the United States Capitol,” said Rev. Patrick Mahoney, who organized the event. “This is also a significant victory for religious freedom and the First Amendment. For if Christmas can be celebrated and displayed in the most powerful public square in America, it can be celebrated publicly everywhere.”

What a huge milestone for religious freedom in America! The Capitol—home to our legislative branch—is perhaps one of the most significant public squares in the country. It’s truly encouraging to see faith and religious freedom thriving at the seat of our nation’s government.

Rev. Mahoney had to fight in court for years to express his faith on the Capitol grounds. He won his case back in May when a federal district court ruled in his favor, allowing the Capitol to be used for public expressions of faith, including the display of a Nativity scene.

What’s most encouraging is that this victory—and many others happening in communities all over the country—are the fruit of First Liberty’s wins at the U.S. Supreme Court.

With God’s favor and your support, First Liberty secured some of the most important Supreme Court wins of our generation in our Coach Kennedy, Faithful Carrier, Treat Children Fairly and Bladensburg Peace Cross cases. These victories ushered in a new era of religious freedom unlike anything we’ve witnessed in our lifetime. We now have more religious liberty than we had in 50 years!

Whether it’s on the U.S. Capitol or your local city hall, we’re witnessing the start of a revival for faith and freedom in virtually every corner of the country. A message is being sent that our religious heritage and expressions of faith should not be censored or hidden.

Watch our team go to cities across America to document the exciting restoration of faith that’s taking place right now:

Natvity Scenes| First Liberty Institute

After decades of hostility, crosses, Ten Commandments monuments, menorahs and Nativity scenes are being restored and displayed on public land. But that’s not all. High school football players are once again praying together after their games. “In God We Trust” is being put back in public schools. Chaplains of all faiths are opening courtroom sessions with a prayer.

Even Bible sales are booming with more than 13.7 million sold in the first 10 months of 2024, marking the highest number of sales in five years!

And the best part? This isn’t where the story ends. There are more opportunities to impact the future. Now, you can be a part of a national movement to rebuild and restore faith in America.

Our FaithBlazer Holiday Challenge happening throughout December is all about empowering you to bring expressions of faith back to your public square. From longstanding holiday traditions of Nativity scenes and menorahs, to "In God We Trust" signs and crosses honoring our fallen veterans, our #FaithBlazer community is bringing history and tradition back to the public square!

Americans from coast to coast are taking a stand. God has opened an incredible door, and those who’ve been robbed of their constitutional rights are now free to boldly live out their faith.

Winning cases at the Supreme Court is only the beginning. Now, we can turn these legal wins into real change in our cities, communities and houses of worship.

This is the time to go on offense and restore faith and religious freedom where they rightfully and legally belong

Will you become a FaithBlazer? >>

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