Saturday, October 1, 2016

John Legend: Second Amendment Preventing Gun Control "If we look at Australia, they did something over there."

John Legend: Second Amendment Preventing Gun Control

"If we look at Australia, they did something over there."

Singer John Legend blames the "Second Amendment and the NRA" for all of America's supposed gun problem, and he advocated for an Australia-style gun confiscation. 
In an interview on The Breakfast Club, Legend told DJ Envy that gun culture is responsible for bad policing, saying it makes them "suspicious of everybody."
 "I think we do have to do something about guns," said Legend. "We shouldn’t live in a society so awash with guns that [it] makes the cops fearful and makes them suspicious of everybody."
After Envy prompted Legend to explain his experience of visiting allegedly "gun-free" countries like Japan, Legend said: "Their murder rates are way lower. Their suicide rates are lower, too, because when people have guns, they end up using them."
When asked if he wanted a full gun ban, Legend conceded that may be the only solution, which would involve a complete violation of our constitutional right to bear arms, something Legend openly admitted he didn't care much for:
I’m not saying that necessarily would work. But if we look at Australia, they did something over there. They had a few mass shootings, and they said, “You know what? We’re going to take a pretty significant approach to reducing the amount of guns on the streets.” And it worked. They didn’t have another mass shooting, their murder rate went down, and we won’t do it here because we got the Second Amendment. We got the NRA that’s going to lobby against it. And maybe it won’t be constitutional to do that, but at the end of the day, it actually worked. And if we want to talk about what makes us safer, that would make us safer.
As noted by Breitbart, Legend hasn't a full grasp of Australia's gun situation since the country as of 2016 is now considering "a new body of gun laws to fight the rising gun crime that is marring Melbourne, Australia, and much of Victoria" where "more than one shooting" has occurred every week since January 2015.
The great country of Britain has most recently been promoting "knife control" initiative to cut down the rise of murders by the use of "pointy knives."

Preferred Pronouns Done Right: Conservative Student Chooses ‘His Majesty’

Preferred Pronouns Done Right: Conservative Student Chooses ‘His Majesty’

LOL! Thank you, sir, for helping to point out the absurdity!

A conservative student at the University of Michigan brilliantly worked the school’s new pronoun policy in a way that shows just how absurd things have gotten on college campuses. From now on, Grant Stroble’s professors have to address him as “His Majesty.”
It’s genius, really.
Recently, U of M caved in and announced a policy of inclusiveness through allowing students to choose the preferred pronouns with which they’d like to be addressed:
Students can designate pronouns in Wolverine Access through the new Gender Identity tab within the Campus Personal Information section. This page can be used to enter, update or delete pronoun information.
Designated pronouns will automatically populate on all class rosters accessed through Wolverine Access. 
Stroble, a member of Young Americans for Freedom, saw an opportunity to capitalize on the absurdity and entered “His Majesty” as for how he would like to be addressed on campus and he can’t be denied, as the policy states.
Speaking to The College Fix, Stroble explained:
"I have no problem with students asking to be identified a certain way, almost like someone named Richard who would like to be called Dick. It is respectful to make a reasonable effort to refer to students in the way that they prefer."
However, he added that he does have a problem when the university institutionalizes the use of pronouns that are completely arbitrary and may possibly sanction people for referring to someone different than their preference.
Stroble continued, "So, I henceforth shall be referred to as: His Majesty, Grant Stroble. I encourage all U-M students to go onto Wolverine Access, and insert the identity of their dreams."
Nicely done, sir.
H/T Reason

Dems LOVE Voter Registration, Unless Chick-fil-A is Doing It Then, suddenly, it’s biased.

Dems LOVE Voter Registration, Unless Chick-fil-A is Doing It

Then, suddenly, it’s biased.

Florida Democrats aren’t too happy that Chick-fil-A restaurants in the Tampa Bay area are holding voter registration drives, claiming the locations are biased because of the company’s conservative owners. 
According to The Washington Times, Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections Deborah Clark, a Republican, chose nine locations in the area. But Stonewall Democrats and head of the Pinellas Democratic Party Susan McGrath said holding registration drives at Chick-fil-A would be no less partisan than holding them at Planned Parenthood. In a letter to Clark, McGrath wrote:
“As an elected official, you have a duty to be evenhanded and fair. Surely, you and your office staff do understand that using Chick-Fil-A as the base for voter registration activities is not only inherently unfair but overtly partisan as well. This company has a strong and well-understood history of anti-LGBT activism and is publicly associated with Republican Party values.
“While some Democrats may occasionally dine at Chick-fil-A (and perhaps even members of the LGBT community), the coordination of Pinellas voter registration activities with this right-leaning business very clearly conveys that your office is targeting Republican-leaning voters.”
Perhaps McGrath missed the media reports in August about Planned Parenthood launching voter registration at its clinics, online, and at college campuses “to help marginalized populations participate more in this election cycle.” The abortion giant calls it “My Vote, My Voice” and boasts volunteers in 45 states.
Facebook, known for its suppression of conservative news, prompted users with a “Register Now” button in their newsfeed and claim its efforts have helped register 1.5 million people.
Registration stations have been set up in the lobbies at screenings of the racially charged film, Birth of a Nation. Stars of the film will encourage viewers to register in a PSA that plays before the feature. 
So, it would appear that Democrats love pushing for voter registration as long as it isn’t done at conservative locations because, you know, that would be biased.

United Flight Makes Woman Switch Seats After Pakistani Monks Complain

United Flight Makes Woman Switch Seats After Pakistani Monks Complain

"I thought I lived in a culture where females were equal to men."

A Southern California woman experienced the dark side of multiculturalism during a United Airlines flight when the crew forced her to switch seats to appease the misogynistic leanings of two Pakistani monks.
 From CBS Los Angeles:
Mary Campos said her pre-booked ticket was given away by United Airlines. The reason? She’s a woman, and two men didn’t want to sit next to a female.
A million-mile flier, Campos, a mom who lives in Coto de Caza, said she thought she’d seen it all - until a gate agent handed her a new boarding pass just before she got on a flight to Houston last Monday.
"He said, ‘This is your new seat,’" Campos said, "and I said, ‘Excuse me?’ And he said, ‘I don’t know how to tell you this.’"
The agent then told Campos that the two Pakistani men "have cultural beliefs that prevent them for sitting next to, talking to or communicating with females."
Since Campos doesn't come from a culture that (rightly) allows men and women to converse with each other, she found this outrageous, not because they held the belief, but because the American-based airline, hence the name "United," actually wanted to appease them. 
"I thought I lived in a culture where females were equal to men," she said.
Campos lamented she had no choice but to take her seat assignment, prompting her to later write a letter of complaint to the CEO of United Airlines. 
"What if I were handicapped or transgender?" she asked in the letter. "What if your entire flight crew were female? Any belief that prevents individuals from interacting with females should not travel on commercial aircraft."
United Airlines never responded to Campos until CBS Los Angeles picked up the story. They now apologize that she "was unhappy" with the situation.
"We regret that Ms. Campos was unhappy with the handling of the seat assignments on her flight," said a company spokesperson. "United holds our employees to the highest standards of professionalism and has zero tolerance for discrimination."
The Pakistani monks were allegedly "wearing long orange shirts" and "the female flight crew was not allowed to serve" them. Since Islam has no monastic orders, the two monks may have been some sect of Buddhism or Jainism. 
Hey feminists, where you at?


SJW's Slam Director Tim Burton for 'Lack of Diversity' in His Films "Things either call for things, or they don’t."

SJW's Slam Director Tim Burton for 'Lack of Diversity' in His Films

"Things either call for things, or they don’t."

Director Tim Burton, the man most-known for films about outcasts on society's fringes, has just been slammed by "Social Justice Warriors" for not having enough diversity.
When questioned by the leftist mag Bustle as to why he didn't have enough "people of color" in his new movie Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, Burton, the director of Edward Scissorhands and Ed Wood – movies about misunderstood freaks in a wasteland of plastic modernity – went on the offensive by saying the demand for diversity in films for the sake of diversity is uncalled for in the creative process.
"Things either call for things, or they don’t," Burton said. "I remember back when I was a child watching The Brady Bunch and they started to get all politically correct, like, ‘Okay, let’s have an Asian child and a black’ – I used to get more offended by that than just – I grew up watching blaxploitation movies, right? And I said, that’s great. I didn’t go like, ‘Okay, there should be more white people in these movies.’"
Samuel L. Jackson, who stars in Burton’s new film, defended the director by saying the creative process doesn't always require a minority member of the cast.
"I had to go back in my head and go, how many black characters have been in Tim Burton movies?" said Jackson. "And I may have been the first, I don’t know, or the most prominent in that particular way, but it happens the way it happens."
"I don’t think it’s any fault of his or his method of storytelling, it’s just how it’s played out," he continued. "Tim’s a really great guy."
Despite Jackson's best intentions, he's actually not the first black man cast in a Tim Burton movie. That title would, of course, go to actor Billy Dee Williams, who played Harvey Dent in 1989's Batman​ despite his character being white in the comics. 

Michelle O: Hillary More Qualified for President than Bill or Barack AND she’s a woman. Need she say more?

Michelle O: Hillary More Qualified for President than Bill or Barack

AND she’s a woman. Need she say more?

On the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton, first lady Michelle Obama said no one is more qualified for the presidency than the former secretary, even more qualified than Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
“Right now, we have the opportunity to elect one of the most qualified people who ever endeavored to become president,” Mrs. Obama said to an enthusiastic crowd.
“Hillary has been a lawyer, a law professor, first lady of Arkansas, first lady of the United States, a U.S. Senator, secretary of state. That’s why I’m inspired by Hillary.”
And that wasn’t all that inspired Obama about Clinton: “I’m inspired by her persistence, her consistency, by her heart and by her gut. And I’m inspired by her life-long record of public service.”
Who knew Mrs. Obama was so inspired by corruption?
She topped off her kudos list with this, stepping all over her husband and current president:
"No one in our lifetime has ever had as much experience and exposure to the presidency. Not Barack, not Bill, nobody.”
Ouch! That’s gotta hurt. Of course, no one will argue that Barack Obama had the qualifications to be president. 
And then she gets to the real crux of the matter: feminism. That’s really why Mrs. Obama is for Hillary:
“And yes, she happens to be a woman.”
Watch below:

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