John Legend: Second Amendment Preventing Gun Control
"If we look at Australia, they did something over there."
Singer John Legend blames the "Second Amendment and the NRA" for all of America's supposed gun problem, and he advocated for an Australia-style gun confiscation.
In an interview on The Breakfast Club, Legend told DJ Envy that gun culture is responsible for bad policing, saying it makes them "suspicious of everybody."
"I think we do have to do something about guns," said Legend. "We shouldn’t live in a society so awash with guns that [it] makes the cops fearful and makes them suspicious of everybody."
After Envy prompted Legend to explain his experience of visiting allegedly "gun-free" countries like Japan, Legend said: "Their murder rates are way lower. Their suicide rates are lower, too, because when people have guns, they end up using them."
When asked if he wanted a full gun ban, Legend conceded that may be the only solution, which would involve a complete violation of our constitutional right to bear arms, something Legend openly admitted he didn't care much for:
I’m not saying that necessarily would work. But if we look at Australia, they did something over there. They had a few mass shootings, and they said, “You know what? We’re going to take a pretty significant approach to reducing the amount of guns on the streets.” And it worked. They didn’t have another mass shooting, their murder rate went down, and we won’t do it here because we got the Second Amendment. We got the NRA that’s going to lobby against it. And maybe it won’t be constitutional to do that, but at the end of the day, it actually worked. And if we want to talk about what makes us safer, that would make us safer.
As noted by Breitbart, Legend hasn't a full grasp of Australia's gun situation since the country as of 2016 is now considering "a new body of gun laws to fight the rising gun crime that is marring Melbourne, Australia, and much of Victoria" where "more than one shooting" has occurred every week since January 2015.
The great country of Britain has most recently been promoting "knife control" initiative to cut down the rise of murders by the use of "pointy knives."