Michelle O: Hillary More Qualified for President than Bill or Barack
AND she’s a woman. Need she say more?
On the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton, first lady Michelle Obama said no one is more qualified for the presidency than the former secretary, even more qualified than Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
“Right now, we have the opportunity to elect one of the most qualified people who ever endeavored to become president,” Mrs. Obama said to an enthusiastic crowd.
“Hillary has been a lawyer, a law professor, first lady of Arkansas, first lady of the United States, a U.S. Senator, secretary of state. That’s why I’m inspired by Hillary.”
And that wasn’t all that inspired Obama about Clinton: “I’m inspired by her persistence, her consistency, by her heart and by her gut. And I’m inspired by her life-long record of public service.”
Who knew Mrs. Obama was so inspired by corruption?
She topped off her kudos list with this, stepping all over her husband and current president:
"No one in our lifetime has ever had as much experience and exposure to the presidency. Not Barack, not Bill, nobody.”
Ouch! That’s gotta hurt. Of course, no one will argue that Barack Obama had the qualifications to be president.
And then she gets to the real crux of the matter: feminism. That’s really why Mrs. Obama is for Hillary:
“And yes, she happens to be a woman.”
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