Dems LOVE Voter Registration, Unless Chick-fil-A is Doing It
Then, suddenly, it’s biased.
Florida Democrats aren’t too happy that Chick-fil-A restaurants in the Tampa Bay area are holding voter registration drives, claiming the locations are biased because of the company’s conservative owners.
According to The Washington Times, Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections Deborah Clark, a Republican, chose nine locations in the area. But Stonewall Democrats and head of the Pinellas Democratic Party Susan McGrath said holding registration drives at Chick-fil-A would be no less partisan than holding them at Planned Parenthood. In a letter to Clark, McGrath wrote:
“As an elected official, you have a duty to be evenhanded and fair. Surely, you and your office staff do understand that using Chick-Fil-A as the base for voter registration activities is not only inherently unfair but overtly partisan as well. This company has a strong and well-understood history of anti-LGBT activism and is publicly associated with Republican Party values.“While some Democrats may occasionally dine at Chick-fil-A (and perhaps even members of the LGBT community), the coordination of Pinellas voter registration activities with this right-leaning business very clearly conveys that your office is targeting Republican-leaning voters.”
Perhaps McGrath missed the media reports in August about Planned Parenthood launching voter registration at its clinics, online, and at college campuses “to help marginalized populations participate more in this election cycle.” The abortion giant calls it “My Vote, My Voice” and boasts volunteers in 45 states.
Facebook, known for its suppression of conservative news, prompted users with a “Register Now” button in their newsfeed and claim its efforts have helped register 1.5 million people.
Registration stations have been set up in the lobbies at screenings of the racially charged film, Birth of a Nation. Stars of the film will encourage viewers to register in a PSA that plays before the feature.
So, it would appear that Democrats love pushing for voter registration as long as it isn’t done at conservative locations because, you know, that would be biased.