Thursday, February 3, 2022

THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION IS FLYING ILLEGAL MIGRANTS TO NEW YORK Posted by Alice Green | Feb 3, 2022 | (Democrats are Above The Law after All)



The Biden Administration is Flying Illegal Migrants to New York 

Video footage obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request proves the Biden Administration is funding the movement of illegal immigrants from southern border states to New York. 

“Our government is completely out of control right now. They have lied to us,” laments Rob Astorino, a former County Executive for Westchester and a gubernatorial candidate for the state of New York.

It was Astorino who submitted the FOIA request after observing migrants arrive en masse at a local Costco before being released into the community. “When we first found out about these flights, we were attacked for demanding simple answers,” says Astorino. “They kept lying and deflecting, but this is a matter of public safety, public health, and the people’s right to know.”

Rumors of the Biden Administration’s disgusting scheme emerged last October when the New York Post reported footage of secret charter flights arriving after curfew at airports. 

According to Westchester Police Sergeant Michael Hamborsky, both local police and airport security were unaware of the after-hours flights: “I’m just trying to figure out what’s what, who’s who, and how I’m supposed to keep this secure.”

The migrants appear to be under the care of MVM Inc., a private security firm that worked with the CIA and the NSA in Iraq. The firm signed a $136 million contract with the Biden Administration last year to transport migrants throughout the country. 

According to one MVM employee who asked to remain anonymous, the contractors are not allowed to have their picture taken at the airport and are not told the destination when boarding a bus or plane. “My thing is, I like to comply but technically we’re not supposed to show IDs or anything…A lot of this is just down-low stuff that we don’t tell people because what we don’t want to do is attract attention. We don’t want the media.”

The contractor confirmed that the secret operation is being conducted with help from the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the United States Army. Migrants are also being transported to Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey, and Florida; many have already been enrolled in public school. 

“The resettlement of illegal aliens in the state of Florida does not solve any of the consequences of your administration’s open border policy,” wrote a group of Florida state lawmakers to the Biden Administration. “Purposely keeping Americans in the dark regarding the travels of illegal immigrants risks public safety, wastes taxpayer dollars, and is a grave misstep in the name of justice.”


Leaked video shows federal contractors flying migrants to suburban NY: ‘Betraying the American people’ 

‘Betraying the American people’: Leaked video reveals Joe Biden’s ‘hush hush’ migrant invasion 

DeSantis claims Biden running ‘clandestine’ flights to send migrants to Florida, but the routine transport also occurred under Trump

February 3, 2022 The hateful hypocrisy of Whoopi Goldberg: The view from Israel By Barry Shaw


American Thinker

The hateful hypocrisy of Whoopi Goldberg: The view from Israel

The woman who calls herself Whoopi Goldberg made shockingly insulting remarks about Jews that, under the new rules the left enforces, should have her thrown off her lucrative TV show, as well as off social media platforms.  But instead, she was tamely given a two week break from The View, a program of small-minded, loud-mouthed women, who raucously slam anything and anybody they hate, particularly Americans who exist to the right of them, which is probably the majority. 

If "misinformation" is the value to which anyone and everyone can be banned from sharing a public opinion, then Goldberg should surely be silenced.  But no. She is being protected by a fortnight of anonymity to allow the storm clouds to blow over. 

Whoopi Goldberg (edited by Andrea Widburg in befunky).  Twitter screen grab.

Even her knee-jerk apology fell flat with her stupid remark that she considers the slaughter of six million Jews by the Nazis to be a sort of squabble among white folk and, therefore, not racist.  This by a woman who once professed to have sympathy for the Jewish people.

Her remarks about Nazis and Jews illustrate just how far down the racist rabbit hole Goldberg has plunged. 

The Nazis destroyed Europe and millions of Jews out of a self-imposed sense of racial purity — a racial purity they set out to impose on the world. 

Black Lives Matter and Critical Race Theory, anyone?

In their march to indoctrinate the world, the Nazis first targeted the groups that stood in their way.  Hence, the Jews had to be removed from society. 

To do this, Jews were held to be enemies of the people.  We sense a similar phenomenon seeping out of the Democrat party, and their supporting media talking heads, against anyone opposing their plan to pervert democracy and control the people forever.

The Nazis' target, the ones who, they claimed, corrupted and ruled the world, were Jews.  Jews were targeted, to adopt the language of today's CRT perpetrators, as being beyond the bounds of their acceptable society.  This is the weaponization of hate now being used by those who actively support anti-white racism.  The words of Goldberg echo this theory.  In her ignorance, Jews are white and therefore must be demeaned, lumped together with white supremacists and even Nazis. 

To enlighten Goldberg and others of her ilk, from a factual Israeli position, the majority of Jews are not white.  They are brown and black Jews escaping to Israel from places in the Middle East and Africa, where, like the Jews of Europe, they were persecuted by people with racial hatred who targeted the Jews out of a perverted sense of moral and ethnic injustice.

If this is really what is in the dark heart of this ignorant woman, she should revoke her adopted name, because no one named Goldberg should ever commit the crime of insulting the memories of long dead Goldbergs, murdered by a regime built on Critical Race Theory. 

Let her continue spewing hatred at whomever she wants from the public platform of ABC, but she should do it without hypocrisy. 

Let her not be a hypocrite, because, in truth, she has zero Jewish ancestry, and it is viciously wrong of her to pretend to speak in the name of sympathy for the Jewish people.

I suggest that when ABC reinstate her, it do so using her real name — Caryn Johnson. 

She had built a career, and enriched herself, exploiting a false Jewish name to stab Jews in the back. 

Barry Shaw, The View from Israel.

Power corrupts and leftist media power corrupts in sick, sexually perverse ways...It is possible to clean out D.C.’s deeply corrupt Augean stables...A bad week for Zucker, Whoopi and the Democrat Party


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Black Leaders Slam Racism of Abortion: “When We See a Beautiful Black Face, Abortionists See Dollar Signs” National | Micaiah Bilger | Feb 3, 2022 | 10:50AM | Washington, DC


Black Leaders Slam Racism of Abortion: “When We See a Beautiful Black Face, Abortionists See Dollar Signs”

National  |  Micaiah Bilger  |   Feb 3, 2022   |   10:50AM   |  Washington, DC

Black pro-life leader Jonathan Alexandre, Esq., slammed the billion-dollar abortion industry for making a profit off of the killing of unborn black babies recently, saying, “When we see a beautiful Black face, abortionists see a dollar sign.”

Alexandre, the senior counsel for governmental affairs at Liberty Counsel and Liberty Counsel Action, spoke about the devastation that abortion has wreaked on the African American community during a press conference Jan. 19 with other pro-life leaders, Live Action News reports.

Marking the 49th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Alexandre said the abortion industry has been targeting unborn black babies since its beginning.

“When we see a beautiful Black face, Planned Parenthood’s founder says says she wants to get rid of that undesirable race,” he said, pointing to founder Margaret Sanger’s discriminatory views. “When we see a beautiful Black face, they see a part of town where they can build an abortion center and find an area where they can lure in desperate mothers to terminate their pregnancy.”

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His comment refers to research from Life Issues Institute that found 86 percent of Planned Parenthood abortion facilities are located in or near African American and Latino neighborhoods.

As a result, the abortion rate among black women is almost five times higher than it is among white women, according to the Guttmacher Institute, and an estimated 20 million unborn African American babies have been aborted since 1973.

Alexandre said the abortion industry views unborn babies as financial profit, as “weeds,” as “ugly,” and not as the unique and valuable human beings who they are.

“When we see a beautiful Black face, abortionists see a way to make a profit by killing it. When we see a beautiful Black face, the abortion industry manufacturers a pill and then mails it to the mother in order to end this life,” he continued, according to Live Action.

“When you and I see a beautiful Black face, the abortion industry sees organs, hearts, lungs, livers that they can extract and procure during abortion and then sell,” Alexandre said.

Every day, abortion kills more than 250 unborn black babies in America, stopping their hearts by drowning, poisoning or ripping them limb from limb, he continued.

“When we see a beautiful Black face, they see their next victim,” Alexandre said, ending with a demand, “Keep your hands off beautiful Black babies!”

While abortions hurt families of every race and color, black Americans have a disproportionately high number of abortions compared to other racial groups. Census data indicates that African Americans make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population, but they have nearly 40 percent of all abortions. And New York City health statistics show that more African American babies are aborted in the city than are born most years.

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