Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Devon Archer, described the “powerful” impact that a well-timed call from then-Vice President Joe Biden wielded on foreign business associates, calling Hunter’s high-powered access to his father the “pinnacle of power” in Washington D.C. circles.
The “Big Guy” even expressed in a 2011 letter how “happy” he was with Archer’s relationship with his son, contradicting the many times President Biden has denied any knowledge of Hunter’s foreign business endeavors.
The “Biden brand,” Archer told Tucker Carlson in an interview posted to X on Wednesday, was “absolutely” a defining aspect of Hunter’s job at Burisma.
Hunter “had a very big network in D.C. and brought that know-how and understanding of D.C., and, ultimately, the Biden brand” to the Ukrainian-based energy company, Archer explained.
“So the network and the Biden brand sounds like the key component of what [Hunter] was bringing,” Carlson said.
“Absolutely,” Archer replied. Hunter’s former best friend recalled that, as VP, the elder Biden knowingly dialed into meetings between his son and international business associates and was put on speakerphone at least 20 times, displaying for the foreign nationals the “powerful” access Hunter brought to the Burisma table.
“I don’t know if it was an orchestrated call-in or not,” Archer said. “It certainly was powerful, though, because you’re sitting with a foreign businessperson and you hear the vice president’s voice, that’s prize enough. I mean, that’s pretty impactful stuff for anyone in the world.”
“You understand DC, right?” he continued. “So the power to have that access and that conversation, and it’s not in a scheduled conference call and it’s a part of your family — that’s like the pinnacle of power in D.C.”
“In the rearview,” Archer added, “it’s an abuse of soft power, I’d say.”
While Joe Biden was serving as vice president under Barack Obama, Hunter and Archer were pursuing business deals in countries where Biden was influential, including China, Russia, and the now war-torn Ukraine.
“I can definitively say at particular dinners or meetings, he knew there were business associates,” Archer stated. “Obviously, you know, the brand of Biden adds a lot of power when your dad’s vice president.”
Hunter may not have had a “sophisticated understanding” of “complex” government “regulatory issues,” but Archer said he “led a team” that did.
“You’ve got to be an expert in knowing the guy,” Archer said. “And he was the guy that was the expert in knowing the guy.”
“What we ran into was almost an Icarus issue,” Archer explained. “It was too close to the sun, it was too good to be true. The connections were too close, the scrutiny too much.”
But, according to a letter then-Vice President Biden wrote to Archer in 2011, Hunter’s dad was “happy” with the arrangement. “I apologize for not getting a chance to talk to you at the luncheon yesterday. I was having trouble getting away from hosting [China’s then-] President Hu,” Biden wrote. “I hope I get a chance to see you again soon with Hunter. I hope you enjoyed the lunch. Thanks for coming.”
At the end of the letter, Biden added in his own handwriting, “Happy you guys are together.”
As BizPac Review has reported, following Archer’s closed-door testimony before the House Oversight Committee, Democrats went into a full spin to find an innocent explanation for the vice president making 20 calls to his son while he was hosting foreign business associates.
“The witness was unequivocal and stated very clearly that they never discussed any business on [those] phone conversations,” U.S. Rep. Daniel Goldman (D-N.Y.) said of Archer’s testimony.
“There were niceties. And there was a hello. And [they] talked about the weather or whatever it was,” Goldman said, “but it was never any business.”
On X, Archer’s interview with Carlson was seen by some as a “smoking gun.”
“This is the story that the @JoeBiden regime doesn’t want us talking about,” stated former Arizona GOP gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake. “It’s the smoking gun that exposes the Biden Crime Family’s corruption.”