Bringing whatever stirs my heart
What Hinders Our Wait?

However, we need to remain faithful . . . and patient! That’s real hard to do! But as I have said, simply knowing that the unfolding of His will comes to those who patiently wait, isn’t enough. All of us live hectic lifestyles. I don’t know anyone who is able to rest and relax. They are probably out there, I just haven’t met them. For us to be still and wait for direction seems counterproductive. So what we do? We jump in to get the results! Besides, sitting quietly with the Lord takes time — too much time!
That’s right. We prefer to ask Him for guidance in the car on the way to work, then when we don’t receive the answer, we figure He doesn’t care! Our schedules are full, and even the thought of spending uninterrupted, unhurried time seeking the mind of Christ seems impossible. But that my friends, is the only way to hear His voice and know His heart!
Too many of us have a short-term perspective. We run to our favorite fast-food restaurants, become irritated if we have to stand too long in an express checkout or the drive-through coffee shop. We have such a “have-it-now” mentality. Just watch the impatience of people standing in line at the supermarket, continually checking their watches or those cussing as they sit at a traffic light, frustrated and impatient.
We want everything quickly, but you know, there is no fast track to spiritual maturity, and learning to wait on the Lord is a crucial element to learn for a godly character! Our demand for immediate gratification has blinded us to the benefits of waiting for a greater reward. When we learn to trust the Lord and rely on His timing, we will experience the benefits throughout our lifetime and into eternity, as well!
But tell me, when you are struggling with something, when you don’t know what to do,where do you go? Maybe you call your best friends. But when you do that, you probably receive different advice from each of them. Yes, there are times when you should seek the counsel of others. There is safety in that. But it should always be filtered through the truth of God’s Word. Develop the habit of seeking the Lord’s guidance before you go to any outside source. Because He is the only one who knows the specific plans He has for you!
Ooh, there is one of the problems! It will be real hard to seek His advice if you doubt that He will come through for you! When the deadlines for decisions loom, or unwanted situations remain unchanged, we might indeed begin to wonder if the Lord will intervene! That’s a big problem, isn’t it? I mean, when our circumstances shout, “Your God has forgotten about you!” what are we supposed to do?
Well, you won’t like this, but just because we can’t see anything happening, doesn’t mean the Lord is uninvolved. His eyes roam throughout the Earth “to find those whose hearts are committed to him and to strengthen them.”(II Chronicles 16:9). So, when your eyescan’t see the evidence, you must continue to trust what you know is true!
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