This video is mirrored from SEVENTHVIAL213 youtube channel and is made and owned by SEVENTHVIAL213. I don't own anything ! It's under Fair use with purpose to educate and inform the public.
Here's the link for SEVENTHVIAL213 youtube channel, please sub, watch and share, thnx ! :
Main youtube channel :
C E R N the Opening of the Abyss ? (Full Movie by SEVENTHVIAL213)
2015 is being called the International year of Light (LUCIFER MEANS LIGHT BEARER)
2015 also sees thousands of scientists reactivate CERN, the Large Hadron Collider in an attempt to explore the origins of the Universe, Dark matter, Anti-matter, Extra Dimensions, Black holes etc.
Revelation 9 - And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit......
This video examines the possibility that CERN could lead to the fulfilment of prophetic events spoken of in Revelation chapter 9, the unlocking and opening of the abyss where demons are loosed on the earth.
Main preacher through out the video speaking is CHARLES LAWSON ...
Do YOU have Eyes to see and Ears to hear my Brothers and Sisters !?
Everybody welcome to The Matrix ! ... where nothing is as it seems ...
Sometimes the Truth is stranger than fiction ...
William Shakespeare. "The whole world is a stage!"
Barack Obama: "We have a duty to ACT!"
Voltaire: "Prejudice is what fools use for reason."
Confucius: “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.”
Carl Jung: "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."
Be prepared ... Don't be deceived ! ... Time is nigh ...
Always doubt your doubt before you doubt your faith, and endure to the end ...
Yashaya HaMashiach / Jesus Christ is God / Elohim and Savior, the Son of God / Ben Elohim raised from the dead.
All Glory to God / Elohim, The Father - Ahayah, and The Son - Yashaya HaMashiach.
Here's the link for SEVENTHVIAL213 youtube channel, please sub, watch and share, thnx ! :
Main youtube channel :
C E R N the Opening of the Abyss ? (Full Movie by SEVENTHVIAL213)
2015 is being called the International year of Light (LUCIFER MEANS LIGHT BEARER)
2015 also sees thousands of scientists reactivate CERN, the Large Hadron Collider in an attempt to explore the origins of the Universe, Dark matter, Anti-matter, Extra Dimensions, Black holes etc.
Revelation 9 - And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit......
This video examines the possibility that CERN could lead to the fulfilment of prophetic events spoken of in Revelation chapter 9, the unlocking and opening of the abyss where demons are loosed on the earth.
Main preacher through out the video speaking is CHARLES LAWSON ...
Do YOU have Eyes to see and Ears to hear my Brothers and Sisters !?
Everybody welcome to The Matrix ! ... where nothing is as it seems ...
Sometimes the Truth is stranger than fiction ...
William Shakespeare. "The whole world is a stage!"
Barack Obama: "We have a duty to ACT!"
Voltaire: "Prejudice is what fools use for reason."
Confucius: “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.”
Carl Jung: "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."
Be prepared ... Don't be deceived ! ... Time is nigh ...
Always doubt your doubt before you doubt your faith, and endure to the end ...
Yashaya HaMashiach / Jesus Christ is God / Elohim and Savior, the Son of God / Ben Elohim raised from the dead.
All Glory to God / Elohim, The Father - Ahayah, and The Son - Yashaya HaMashiach.