Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Expert says Planet X Nibiru is Hiding Behind the Sun


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Expert says Planet X Nibiru is Hiding Behind the Sun

http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BeforeItsNews/6ffaaed6da/e675359788/cd2f822abf CONTRIBUTOR: . Is Nibiru Planet X hising behind the Sun ? Author and publisher Marshall Masters specializes in Planet X and ancient civilizations. He discussed evidence for an object on the other side of the sun, which could be Planet X, and how this ties in with Nibiru Hopi and other types...

17 Out-of-Place Artifacts Said to Suggest High-Tech Prehistoric Civilizations Existed

http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BeforeItsNews/6ffaaed6da/e675359788/de8aa11654 CONTRIBUTOR: . 28 SEPTEMBER, 2015 - 03:08 ANCIENT-ORIGINS 17 Out-of-Place Artifacts Said to Suggest High-Tech Prehistoric Civilizations Existed By Tara MacIsaac, Epoch Times According to the conventional view of history, humans have only walked the Earth in our present form for some 200,000 years. Advanced civilizations appeared several thousand years ago, but...

Thousands Witness Alien Craft Over Sports Stadium

http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BeforeItsNews/6ffaaed6da/e675359788/bff005341a CONTRIBUTOR: . THOUSANDS WITNESS ALIEN CRAFT OVER SPORTS STADIUM   OCTOBER 27 1954  ………….STADIO ARTEMIO FRANCHI ITALY   This little know case is one of the most credible UFO sightings on record, you would think that in the UFO world this case would be one of the most celebrated sightings of all...

Forest For the Trees: Upcoming Horror!

http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BeforeItsNews/6ffaaed6da/e675359788/2560592289 CONTRIBUTOR: . Most of my friends and readers know that I adore independent artists, from writers to moviemakers, musicians to sculptures; you name it! This indie movie is in pre-production, but if you have watched ghost hunting shows for years, you might be intrigued by the way this movie is presenting the...

Spectacular new artifacts recovered from 2,050-year-old Antikythera Shipwreck

http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BeforeItsNews/6ffaaed6da/e675359788/58bcf30b92 CONTRIBUTOR: . 28 SEPTEMBER, 2015 - 21:48 APRILHOLLOWAY Spectacular new artifacts recovered from 2,050-year-old Antikythera Shipwreck Underwater archaeologists have returned to the world-famous Antikythera shipwreck in Greece and have discovered more than fifty new artifacts, including the remains of a bone flute, a bronze armrest that may be part of a throne,...

Angi Maher Haunting

http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BeforeItsNews/6ffaaed6da/e675359788/e2469f6941 CONTRIBUTOR: . Angi Maher Haunting Written by Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Esoteric Detective Halo Paranormal Investigations - HPI International https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/HPIinterna... Paranormal Hotline: (916) 203-7503 - 4 Advice & Investigations Email: pauld5606@comcast.net A. Maher Haunting Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fA-yj-mODF4&a... THERE ARE 9 VIDEOS FROM THIS INVESTIGATION UPLOADED AT MY FACEBOOK WALL, IN WHICH YOU...

The Urban Sasquatch Journal: Extended Visit

http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BeforeItsNews/6ffaaed6da/e675359788/b5dea49dfe CONTRIBUTOR: . This is the reporting by a Bigfoot researcher of an ongoing study in the Southern part of the United States in a very large park area near homes and urban setting.Prior installments#1 What is Urban Sasquatch?#2 "The Original Experiment"#3 "The Urban Study Begins"#4 "Signatures and Signs" #5 "Mixing It Up"#6...

Rio Del Mars: New Revelations In The Cosmic Watergate

http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BeforeItsNews/6ffaaed6da/e675359788/33dff5aadd CONTRIBUTOR: . RIO DEL MARS NEW REVELATIONS IN THE COSMIC WATERGATE Over the weekend, I was made aware that a major announcement was going to be made by NASA about the planet Mars. I had notified my producer, Ron that it would be an early day for me because I wanted to...

The Coincidence Of A Steamer Saved From A Titanic Iceberg

http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BeforeItsNews/6ffaaed6da/e675359788/baf1a92dd0 CONTRIBUTOR: . I have published several posts about the ship Titanic and coincidences. Here's a further coincidence story that has connections with the Titanic and it's one I haven't mentioned previously.There was a young seaman called William Reeves. He was on watch in the bow of a steamer heading to Canada from...

9/25: The Warmin’ Church: An Inconvenient Cult

http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BeforeItsNews/6ffaaed6da/e675359788/1aec90f17f CONTRIBUTOR: . Today, Pope Francis met at Ground Zero in New York with spiritual leaders of all faiths. The Vicar of Christ was also at the United Nations, advocating the 2030 Agenda. Are we finally witnessing the formation of a one-world church and government, also known as the New World Order? On...

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