coverage on Ahmed "Bomb-Clock" Mohamed has been remarkably one-sided, with the
Mohamed family and the media spinning a tale of Islamophobia and overreaction.
However, in an appearance on Glenn Beck's The Blaze TV last night, the mayor of
the city where Mohamed goes to school painted a starkly different picture. Among
other revelations were...
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Even though Muslims only make up about 1 percent of the U.S.
population, that hasn't stopped them from demanding to be treated as if they
were a majority. In another move to lengthen the tentacles of Shariah law,
Muslims in Jersey City, New Jersey demanded that public schools be closed on
Sep. 24 to celebrate the Islamic...
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A student
suspended because he decided to make something that looked like a weapon. The
case of Ahmed “Clock Bomb” Mohamed? Nope -- try a seven-year-old boy who nibbled
a Pop-Tart into a gun. At the end of the 2013 school year, seven-year-old Josh
Welch was suspended for two days for biting the toaster pastry into a
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The United
States used to be the intimidating older brother who would show up when the
young and defenseless were being bullied, but ever since President Barack Obama
took office, that's simply no longer the case. Take for instance what's
transpired in Syria over the past few weeks. As Islamic State group terrorists
continued to...
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One common criticism
of billionaire businessman and presidential candidate Donald Trump is that he
far too often speaks in vague generalities and rarely offers specifics about
where he stands on the issues. That is no longer the case, at least regarding
his stance on gun rights and the Second Amendment, as Trump just released his
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