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CONTRIBUTOR: william tell. NASA-It
Is Really About To Happen! The BIG Secret They Do Not Want You To Know! (Video)
“…we have come to the conclusion that there is more than meets your eye when it
comes to who NASA are and what they represent and it is not good. If it
CONTRIBUTOR: Now The End Begins.
The Name of Jesus Christ, of whom Francis claims to be the “vicar” of, was never
mentioned one time in any way, shape or form “I receive not honour from men. But
I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you.” John 5:41,42 (KJV) Pope
Francis says...
FSN. from Paul Sandhu Saturday September 26, 2015Dr. Jim Willie on Wake up
and Live Radiowith Host Paul Sandhu Dr. Willie Website:
www.GoldenJackass.comPaul Sandhu Website: Topics
covered- devious attack by USGovt against VW to force the US$ towline in
commercial slavery- hidden $1 trillion monthly QE volume for aiding
MILLENNIUM Reporter. THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important
News in the World Today. Secret History Revealed — Putin Played Critical Role
After The Pre-Planned Collapse Of The USSR Vladimir Putin’s Russia: Perfect Foil
To The Anglo-American Axis And Their New World ‘Order’ State of the Nation Why
is the Anglo-American Axis...
CONTRIBUTOR: Grover. Nicole Perez
was at a mom-to-mom sale last weekend when she picked up a pack of underwear
decorated with “Disney Fairies” for her daughter, CBS Detriot reports. Image
Credit: Screen Shot/ABC7 However, upon opening the pack, she discovered more
than just undergarments. Wrapped inside the plastic was also a
CONTRIBUTOR: william tell. 28
SEPTEMBER, 2015 - 03:08 ANCIENT-ORIGINS 17 Out-of-Place Artifacts Said to
Suggest High-Tech Prehistoric Civilizations Existed By Tara MacIsaac, Epoch
Times According to the conventional view of history, humans have only walked the
Earth in our present form for some 200,000 years. Advanced civilizations
appeared several thousand years ago, but...
CONTRIBUTOR: kalina. Human Animal
Hybrids Exist! Animal human hybrids, secret lab experiments, future technology,
ancient codes; it’s all here! Have you ever noticed the eye and the pyramid on
the U.S. dollar bill? Tom Horn presents evidence that these are “codes” and
symbols of high-level Freemasons, and their purpose is to evoke...
CONTRIBUTOR: Tom Dennen, the paranoid
historian. What is the definition of permanent change? Hegel’s Dialectical
Materialism? Thesis, antithesis, thesis? Equal and opposite forces? Tidal ebb
and flow? Yin and Yang? What was the world that has gone – or certainly going –
called? Debt, stupid! Debt first influenced society in Babylon six thousand
years ago...
CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson. There are reports out
here that claim Michelle Obama is a guy. Others reject this and demand that
"she" is who she says she is. This article attempts to jump into the frey. Oh,
boy...Look guys, this author has not landed on a definitive answer. My job...and
really the...
common sense. America has a date with depopulation and that date is 2025 at
the latest. Thanks to Ted Turner for making it clear what the globalists truly
desire. Ninety percent depopulation is the goal. The Georgia Guidestones
declares that humanity will be reduced by 90%. To do that,...
CONTRIBUTOR: Abdiel Freeman
CONTRIBUTOR: The Total Collapse
CONTRIBUTOR: The Vatic Project
CONTRIBUTOR: common sense
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