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CONTRIBUTOR: . DNA Analysis of the
Paracas Skulls Proves They Are Not Human On the southern coast of Peru lies the
desert peninsula of Paracas. This barren landscape is where Peruvian
archaeologist Julio Tello made an astounding discovery in 1928. His efforts
uncovered a massive and complex graveyard buried under...
About To Happen! The BIG Secret They Do Not Want You To Know! (Video) “…we have
come to the conclusion that there is more than meets your eye when it comes to
who NASA are and what they represent and it is not good. If it is...
14:44 APRILHOLLOWAY Exploring Ancient Lunar Legends as first Supermoon in Three
Decades set to Dazzle Tonight The moon has been an object of worship,
veneration, and intrigue among ancient civilizations for thousands of years.
Now, it is set to capture our admiration once again as a...
CONTRIBUTOR: . False Prophet
Heresies: 27 Sep 15 The False Prophet Blasphemes God Here are a few videos
revealing the heretic pope frances (I will NOT capitalize his name same as I
never do for satan, he does not deserve the proper noun recognition). My spirit
is ddeeply troubled...
CONTRIBUTOR: . —Sept. 26,15
…original photo without any enhancements below Cropped and brought int closer
below. How BIG is this thing??? Went up to The Butte today because I had a dream
a while back which told me to meet at the Butte for the Planet X arrival and yes
it was...
. Click Anywhere Above to Come over to the MPS Blog for more infomration
including live links to source articles....
CONTRIBUTOR: . A mysterious jellyfish-shapped object emitting bright
light from the middle was caught hovering over the skies of Holland by a
photographer. Nature blogger Harry Perton was taking photos of a storm
Groningen, Holland last week for his blog when his camera caught a UFO
(Unidentified Flying Object) and left...
. While many think the characterization of Satan
with horns and red eyes is a myth, there is now evidence that this creature does
in fact exist and is helping the U S government control the masses. If Aliens
are demons, this would explain why those who have seen...
. An extreme close up enhancement of a bizarre anomaly in Area 51… The U.S.
Government is definitely concealing and working with some type of non-human
CONTRIBUTOR: . Many people today believe in the possibility of alien
life, or believe aliens are actually visiting the Earth right now. There exists
a large body of evidence that points toward - not aliens - but some other
intelligent force that seems to want very strongly to shape mankind's beliefs...
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