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. Yes that is right, apparently, more and more GMO patrons who have eaten
more GMO's compared to normal organics have now formed mental difficiencies to
start driving towards Area 51 because thy purposely believe that the programming
from the elctro nano-nites nano cells of all the GMO's they have blindly...
CONTRIBUTOR: . All articles by
Wretch Fossil are here:
NASA's Mars rover Curiosity took this photo with her right mast camera on July
21, 2015 ( Sol 1051 ) near Marias Pass in Gale Crater, Mars. Red lines and red
box mark branching structures in an artificial stone. This image possibly...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Sci-fi movies have
long promised an eventful future filled with spaceships and worker robots.
Surprisingly enough, not everything from sci-fi movies is fantasy. Sure, we
don’t have anti-gravity landspeeders yet, but check out this list for swanky
gizmos from sci-fi movies that have already become a reality: 1. Robots
Darwin's Theory of Evolution is the widely held notion that all life is related
and has descended from a common ancestor: the birds and the reptiles, the fishes
and the flowers -- all...
CONTRIBUTOR: . The Sao Civilization
was an ancient culture located in Central Africa, in an area which is today
partly owned by the countries of Cameroon and Chad. They settled along the Chari
River, which is located to the south of Lake Chad. The modern Kotoko people, an
ethnic group located in...
CONTRIBUTOR: . I’m here to praise
Apple again. Sorry. I have to do it. It’s not in my contract nor am I paid to do
it – imagine if we were! We’d be rich! – but after manhandling the iPhone 6S
Plus it’s abundantly clear that Apple has discovered another breakthrough.
CONTRIBUTOR: . Infographic brought
to you by Wrike – Online Project Scheduling The post 10 Reasons the Death Star
Project Failed appeared first on Techicy....
CONTRIBUTOR: . Archaeologists have
discovered a road that dates back to around the founding of the city of Moscow
in the 12th century, making it the oldest ever found to date in the historic
city. The Moscow Times reports that the road is in Moscow’s Zaryadie district,
the oldest part of the...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Archaeologists
carrying out excavations at a cemetery in southeast England discovered an
unusual object resting in the pelvis of an old skeleton, which they first
believed to be a skull that had rolled into that position. Analysis soon
revealed that the object was actually a solid, 7-pound (3kg) calcified
. Two papers are on the way about a model linking solar field activity and
large terrestrial eqarthquakes. h/t to Michele Studies Suggest Sun Triggers
Massive Earthquakes The sun is triggering the deadliest earthquakes on the
planet, including the recent M8.3 earthquake in Chile on September 16, 2015 and
deadly tsunami...
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