Monday, September 28, 2015

Huge rallies in Germany against Merkel’s decision to move hundreds of thousands of migrants into Germany and give them welfare benefits

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Huge rallies in Germany against Merkel’s decision to move hundreds of thousands of migrants into Germany and give them welfare benefits CONTRIBUTOR: . German far-right mobilising against migrants: spy chief Germany’s domestic intelligence chief warned Sunday of a radicalisation of right-wing groups amid a record influx of migrants, as xenophobic rallies and clashes shook several towns at the weekend. President Joachim Gauck THOUSANDS Turn Out for Polish March Against Mass Invasion Sep 27th,...

Media thumps Trump, but polls show he’s winning big

CONTRIBUTOR: . Media thumps Trump, but polls show he’s winning big The Hill–4 hours ago...

Time for Trump to take the gloves off and talk about Carson, his main line should be: You will not hire a good doctor to run a Fortune 500 company, you should not hire a good doctor to run an 18 trillion economy, pay off 19 trillion debt and create jobs for 94 million Americans who are out of workforce. Trump is the person to do so, not Carson, not any other candidate

CONTRIBUTOR: . 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination NBC/WSJ Trump 21, Carson 20, Fiorina 11, Rubio 11, Bush 7, Cruz 5, Kasich 6, Christie 3, Huckabee 2, Paul 3, Santorum 1, Walker, Pataki 0, Jindal 1, Graham 0 Trump +1 2016 Democratic Presidential Nomination NBC/WSJ Clinton 42, Sanders 35, Biden 17, Webb 1, O’Malley...

Bill Clinton believes Donald Trump could win GOP nomination CONTRIBUTOR: . Bill Clinton believes Donald Trump could win GOP nomination “He’s a master brander,” the former president says of the real estate mogul and current Republican frontrunner. “He’s got a lot of pizzazz and zip.” Yahoo Politics40 mins ag...

Trump’s 60 minutes interview. He talks about rescinding or renegotiating NAFTA, which I advocated since NAFTA was signed by Clinton in 1994


Time for Mitch McConnell to go

CONTRIBUTOR: . BREAKING: Top GOP Official Calls for McConnell’s Resignation as Senate Leader...

Victorious Catalan separatists claim mandate to break with Spain

CONTRIBUTOR: . Reuters Victorious Catalan separatists claim mandate to break with Spain Reuters  – ‎4 minutes ago‎ BARCELONA Separatists have won a clear majority of seats in Catalonia’s parliament, preliminary official results showed on Sunday, in an election that set the region on a collision course with Spain’s central government over independence....

Average of 28 polls: Trump-28%, Carson-16%, Bush-9%

CONTRIBUTOR: . POLL CHART 2016 National Republican Primary Currently tracking 170 polls from 30 pollsters Updated 2 days ago HuffPost Model Pollster Trend   Donald Trump28.3%   Ben Carson16.0%   Jeb Bush8.9%   Carly Fiorina7.6%   Marco Rubio6.8%   Ted Cruz6.0%   Chris Christie3.3%   Mike Huckabee2.8%   John Kasich2.8%   Rand...

Donald Trump: America Needs ‘Fair Trade,’ Not ‘Free Trade’

CONTRIBUTOR: . Donald Trump: America Needs ‘Fair Trade,’ Not ‘Free Trade’ Breitbart News–7 hours ago During an interview with 60 Minutes, GOP frontrunner Donald Trumpwas questioned about the North American Free Trade Agreement … NAFTA ‘a disaster’ and I’ll renegotiate, says Donald Trump In-Depth––Sep 25, 2015...

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