Another chapter has
been added to Hillary Clinton’s ongoing email fiasco; the State Department has
admitted to investigators that the method in which Clinton’s lawyer could review
the emails was not secure enough. [Keep
five years ago, I joined the rest of the newly elected freshman Republican class
of 2010 as we sat in the Library of Congress and listened intently to incoming
Speaker John Boehner. [Keep
Republicans inside and outside Washington miss the grassroots' point. Even if we
don't eventually prevail with defunding Planned Parenthood, we need to take this
issue to the American people. [Keep
on Capitol Hill for the first time since the release of a series of secretly
recorded videos, Planned Parenthood Pres. Cecile Richards defended her
organization as Republicans raised concerns about how the group spends
funds. [Keep
Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro met for a second time this year at the
opening of the United Nations General Assembly this week. Both presidents are
working to lift the trade embargo following the opening of the US Embassy in
Cuba earlier this month. [Keep
plan would limit tax deductions for the wealthy while cutting rates for the
lower class. The plan claims to make up for lost revenue by cutting loopholes
for Wall Street investors. [Keep
I discussed Donald
Trump's newly-released tax reform plan on Megyn Kelly's show last night,
offering the assessment that his policy package offers much for conservatives to
enthusiastically embrace. [Keep
Planned Parenthood
CEO Cecile Richards had a tough task this morning: defend her organization's
right to federal funding in the face of a damning video investigation. [Keep