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CONTRIBUTOR: . If you stay up late
tonight you will have a chance to witness a supermoon and a lunar eclipse. It is
a particularly rare astronomical event as there have only been five supermoon
lunar eclipses before this one since 1900 - in 1910, 1928, 1946, 1964 and 1982.A
supermoon happens...
. Here’s something I once read from a book called Peace Is Every Step by
Thich Nhat Hanh. We try to be in touch with life and look deeply as we drink our
tea, walk, sit down, or arrange flowers. The secret of the success is that you
are really yourself,...
CONTRIBUTOR: . OM Times is a
leading voice of the Conscious Community with articles covering the full
spectrum of Conscious Living. Click here to see all we share. Transcending into
Higher Thought by Judi Lynch Transcending Energies Transcending from one place
or space to another is part of growth. How miraculous it is...
Old Testament Law is Obsolete The Old Testament Law which is obsolete, has been
replaced by the New Testament Covenant. As a result of the death and
resurrection of Christ, true Spirit filled believers understand that they are
not under the Old Testament Law. This article will help the...
. 27th September 2015 By Jack Adam Weber Contributing Writer for Wake Up
World Breaking the Silence. This article was inspired by the documentary video,
Breaking the Silence Truth and Lies in the War on Terror. It moved me deeply. It
brought up my outrage, my sadness, my helplessness, my love,...
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