Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Pope Pushes Malthusian Elite Agenda In Historic Call For New Global Order

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Pope Pushes Malthusian Elite Agenda In Historic Call For New Global Order CONTRIBUTOR: The Sleuth ​Journal. Government corruption by lobbyist to silence the voices of the people, staged war on terror, endless illegal wars of aggression, ongoing false flag operations with crisis actors, out of control police state, creation and arming proxy terrorist armies like ISIS, geoengineering ongoing crimes against humanity and the planet, ongoing GMO...


First US-Russian air clash builds up as Moscow orders US planes to exit Syrian air space

CONTRIBUTOR: DEBKAfile. DEBKAfile was founded by a team of journalists in June 2000 as an independent Internet Web site, providing an intelligence and security news service. September 30, 2015, 12:30 PM (IDT) A day after the Obama-Putin summit, Russian diplomats ordered US planes to quit Syria, adding that Russian fighter jets were...


Will Christians Survive the False Prophet, the UN, Common Core and Chrislam?

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. The leader of “Chrislam”, Pope Francis. Even if I were to overlook the obvious hypocrisy of the Pope in his repeated messages which were very thinly veiled propaganda for globalist initiatives, there are some very disturbing things about this particular Pope that I cannot come to grips with as a...


The New Terrorism Threat That Even Has Off-Gridders Nervous CONTRIBUTOR: Off The Grid News. Image source: Terrorists may have found a simple yet terrifying means of thwarting security and spreading fear and mistrust. Unidentified militants could be planning to disguise themselves as police, firefighters and even paramedics before staging attacks, a memo sent to law enforcement agencies in Pennsylvania indicates. “The impersonators’ main...


Revolution To Remove Cabal Corporations: World’s First Zero-Waste Grocery Stores: No Packaging, Plastic, Or Cabal Corporate Brands. CONTRIBUTOR: The Vatic Project. Vatic Note: Yup, the Western world is noted for its creativity, adaptability and resilience and this is living proof of it. What a really seriously great article this is and well worth the read and pondering. I bet creativity begins to emerge just from seeing such great ideas as...


Planned Parenthood video shows abortionists laughing at the sound of a baby's skull cracking, talking about how to avoid getting caught trafficking baby parts CONTRIBUTOR: The Vatic Project. Vatic Note: I simply have no words. No wonder we are in a spiritual battle for our very souls, along with our various nations. We better wake up and smell the evil. This is self explanatory and does not need much more from me. I am sure...


ALERT! Putin Gets Permission To Use Russian Military In Syria

CONTRIBUTOR: illuminatinsider. The post ALERT! Putin Gets Permission To Use Russian Military In Syria appeared first on Kev Baker Show. Vladimir Putin’s stance on the Syria situation is hardening with news that he now has the permission of the Russian Parliament to use military force abroad. With his forces building up...


Left-Wing Americans Call for Ban on Talking about Politics & Religion in Public (Video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Bluegrass Pundit. ...


Globalist Documents Reveal America to Lose WW III Along With 90% of Its Population

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. America has a date with depopulation and that date is 2025 at the latest. Thanks to Ted Turner for making it clear what the globalists truly desire. Ninety percent depopulation is the goal. The Georgia Guidestones declares that humanity will be reduced by 90%. To do that,...


Breaking: Teamsters Union Considering Donald Trump Endorsement. (Video) Trump Pressure To Break Obama The Antichrist? CONTRIBUTOR: King of Shambhala. By King of Shambhala (I announce the Apocalypse and Revelation as a Buddhist reluctantly delving into the Christian Apocalypse as a Messenger of it. I’m the Messiah/Jesus.) Question: "How long till the Antichrist Obama buckles under the pressure from Trump?" Also see: People Calling Trump The Messiah-Saviour (Video) Donald Trump...






CONTRIBUTOR: Now The End Begins


CONTRIBUTOR: The Total Collapse


CONTRIBUTOR: The Vatic Project

CURATOR: Lisa Haven


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