Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Go out to the mountain and bring olive leaves and leaves of oil trees, myrtle leaves, date palm leaves, and leaves of plaited trees, to make booths, as it is written. NEHEMIAH (8:15)

Hebrew Music Monday
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Go out to the mountain and bring olive leaves and leaves of oil trees, myrtle leaves, date palm leaves, and leaves of plaited trees, to make booths, as it is written.


צְאוּ הָהָר וְהָבִיאוּ עֲלֵי זַיִת וַעֲלֵי עֵץ שֶׁמֶן וַעֲלֵי הֲדָס וַעֲלֵי תְמָרִים וַעֲלֵי עֵץ עָבֹת לַעֲשׂת סֻכֹּת כַּכָּתוּב

נְחֶמְיָה ח: טו

tz'-u ha-har v'-ha-vee-u a-lay za-yeet va-a-lay-aytz she-men va-a-lay ha-das va-a-lay t'-ma-reem va-a-lay aytz a-vot la-a-sot su-kot ka-ka-tuv

Today's Israel Inspiration

Nehemiah tells the nation to go to "out to the mountain and bring olive leaves and leaves of oil trees, myrtle leaves, date palm leaves."  What is the significance of where the people had to go to find these items? The prophet was teaching a vital lesson. He instructed the people to go out of their way, even as far as "the mountain" to seek beautiful plants to construct the booths in honor of the festival of Sukkot. It is not enough that we do God's will but we must do it in a significant and beautiful way. Now you can partake in this meaningful commandment with your own set of beautiful plants from the Holy Land.

Hebrew Music Monday

This delightful song called “Havenu Shalom Aleichem” (“We Will Bring Peace to You All”) by Fran Avni is one of our most popular Hebrew Music Monday songs with over 200,000 views!

Massive Ingathering of Exiles Could Double Number of Jews in World

A new global campaign has been launched to locate Bnei Anousim, Jews who were forcibly converted during the Spanish Inquisition, which began in 1391 and continued until 1497.

Torah Codes End to Darkness DVD

The Torah Codes End to Darkness DVD demonstrates through first hand interviews and advanced computer technology that Biblical codes are mathematically provable. 2000 hidden codes have already been discovered!

Today's Israel Photo

Yehoshua Halevi's photo of a beautiful Sukkah booth in Israel. We leave our protective homes for the fragile Sukkah to show our trust in the Almighty and to recall the Clouds of Glory which protected the Children of Israel in the desert.

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I am from Kingston.Ohio U.S.A . I really enjoy getting information about the Holy Land and God's chosen People. I love you all and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. GOD BLESS YOU!- Betty Kuntz

I am enjoying reading all of your articles and news about Israel, Thank you for your time and effort to let us in America keep up with everything there. And there are more Americans that are standing with Israel than Israel knows. We are so sorry that our President is slow to respond to your Nation. We will keep praying for Israel and God's chosen people. Sue Sillavan, Hope, Arkansas, in the USA.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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