"...With man this is impossible, but with GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!" -Words of Jesus Christ.
ALMOST TWO YEARS AGO, I was contacted by a woman in desperate circumstances. She had been a reader for several years of my Christian alternative news blog, "AMERICAN HOLOCAUST COMING." Due to poor health and a terribly abusive husband, she was ready to collapse and even die.
In her desperate email, she begged me to come down to Florida and help her. I paused after I read that email. Help her? But what could I possibly do?
For the past thirteen years, I had been living on the road, working out of my vehicle to be able to afford to remain in investigative journalism plus Christian outreach and intercession for America. My only home was my SUV, and I survived on the faithful but limited financial support of appreciative readers.
I had no home to take her into, and barely enough finances for my food and gas for my vehicle. However, I decided to PRAY ABOUT THIS FIRST. And so I asked God, "Do You really want me to drive 400 miles to help this person? Is this of You?"
I was amazed at the quick answer from the Holy Spirit. It was a voice filled with compassion and sorrow that I heard in the Spirit. "Yes, this is of Me. Go and help her..." As Jesus said, "My sheep hear my Voice and they follow Me..." I knew this was the Holy Spirit of God speaking within my heart to go. And so I went, praying all the way.
I cannot go into great details in this post about what has happened since I rescued Sylvia and took her into my care. But i will say this: Sylvia and I have experienced one amazing miracle of grace and God's provision for our lives ever since Jesus said, "GO!"
Compelled to live in tents camping at a National Park for the first several months after rescuing her, I cried out to God for His grace to provide a home I could never afford in order to take care of her.
By the fall of 2014 and with colder weather coming, GOD DID WHAT WAS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME: a home (37 foot RV trailer) was donated, and a truck to pull it as well, paid for in full by the grace and promises of God! PRAISE GOD THAT I NOW HAD A HOME TO MINISTER OUT OF, AFTER BEING HOMELESS FOR 13 LONG YEARS!
When Sylvia complained of severe internal pain in May of 2014, and I took her to the hospital for tests, they revealed that she had stage 4 pancreatic cancer and lymphoma, fibroid tumors, and that the cancer had spread to other organs as well. Typically, this is fatal within 3-6 months following diagnosis.
But when I heard this, although badly shaken at first, faith rose up inside me and I said to her, "We are standing on the word of God: you shall NOT die but LIVE and proclaim the works of the Lord!" She agreed wholeheartedly.
And from that moment on, I put Sylvia on a basically organic/ non-GMO health food/ vitamins daily program,coupled with all important PRAYER. GRADUALLY, SYLVIA'S STRENGTH AND HEALTH BEGAN TO RECOVER AND IMPROVE OVER THESE PAST 22 MONTHS, utterly defying the doctor's grim prognosis for a bleak future. And she is getting stronger every single day!
And so many other wonderful miracles of Divine grace and mercy have occurred throughout this time wherein I have been helping Sylvia recover quality of life.
Yes, we have encountered rough times and challenging circumstances! All God's children do throughout their lives. But FAITH BROUGHT US THROUGH THE FIRES OF TESTING TO VICTORY THROUGH GOD'S ETERNAL PROMISES IN EVERY CHALLENGE!
Again, I am sharing this with you to ENCOURAGE YOU. Many of you reading this are going through various difficulties and challenges. Some of you are suffering because of financial issues or health crises. You may be suffering from substance abuse issues. Others are heartbroken because of marriage problems or children who have fallen into sin.
But I want to remind you that GOD IS STILL ON THE THRONE, AND HIS PROMISES WILL NEVER CHANGE! His word remains eternal, and Jesus Christ His everlasting Son and our Redeemer from all sin, will be there for YOU in every crisis you may ever encounter.
REMEMBER-YOU ARE LOVED! And His love is everlasting and His mercies endure forever.
Be blessed and be encouraged today as you take the hands of Jesus Christ and allow Him to lift YOU up,out of every crisis and discouragement TODAY.
-Pamela Rae Schuffert