The Pamela that only God knows...a message from my heart to yours.
When we come onto social media and read the posts of others, we feel like we almost know them personally. However social media cannot always reveal everything about that person. There are things known to God alone about their hearts.
I want to share my heart with you. You cannot see it, but many times I am up past midnight, weeping over my nation and my people, and interceding for my fellow Christians. My prayers never cease. You can ask Sylvia.
And I weep over what The Lord has shown me through 20 years of investigative journalism to uncover the hidden agenda for this nation, PLUS the terrible plans for the persecution and martyrdom of millions of Christians in North America (including Canada) as well.
I can promise you after so many years of research, that the NEW WORLD ORDER is NOT some crazy nut job conspiracy rant! Tragically, the plans of the wicked for the enslavement of the entire human race under satan-worshipping power-people is very, VERY real.
And it is BIBLICALLY PROPHESIED as well in the BOOK OF REVELATION, especially chapter 13 where it clearly states that the coming world kingdom receives it's power and authority from THE DRAGON, or Lucifer himself. And that those who worship hi shall control the world under the end-time kingdom of the Beast, or antichrist.
When former ex-CIA and other former NWO insiders personally talked to me and shared the inside truths about what was planned for America, and how they had planned from within the CIA and many other agencies the actual persecution of the Church in America, and the horrors that will come upon the Christians in America under MARTIAL LAW, I was shaken to the very core of my being. I love the Body of Christ and I care about what happens to them!
This is why I quit two well-paying jobs following these shocker revelations, to begin a new career in investigative journalism, to uncover WHAT IS PLANNED FOR MY NATION AND MY FELLOW CHRISTIANS. AND, to warn my fellow Americans and Christians regarding this.
Would you believe that right here in beautiful Montana, everything is entirely in place for the NWO takeover under martial law? In have reported extensively on THE PRISONER BOXCARS WITH SHACKLES and how they will be used to transport ultimately millions of Christians and other NWO RESISTERS to the dread FEMA camps for elimination as "resisters of the NEW WORLD ORDER."
My findings on this subject were even broadcast on nationwide television this summer, following an interview on this subject. Many locals have also had personal experiences in encountering these strange boxcars parked on remote sidetracks throughout this state. My reports are wll known in this state.
I am only a few miles away for where an assassination attempt took place against my life, in an attempt to keep me from meeting that day several Canadian reporters who came to interview me about my research.
Half and hour away is the home I was visiting, where govt. agents broke in, while I and the host family attended a prayer meeting that night. NOTHING WAS STOLEN BUT MY LAPTOP COMPUTER AND MY NOTEBOOK! Through an insider tip-off, I discovered which agency was involved and the name of the operative that did it.
My own former webmaster was confronted in his office by two FBI officers, who warned him that they monitored every email I sent and received, that the government did not like what was published and ended with, "Tell that woman that her time is short...on a scale of 1-10 she rates an 8 in our scopes to take her out and silence her..."
This was later reiterated while I was lecturing in Jerusalem on the COMING AMERICAN HOLOCAUST and future martyrdom of the saints under the NWO. A woman with the FBI stationed in Israel,became my friend. "Oh," she said, "so you are worried about your status with the government? Let me ask my friend to run your name through our me back in a few hours."
I thanked her, and called her back. I was not prepared for what I heard. She was crying as she said, " you can't go back to America! They will KILL you! My boyfriend ran your name through, and told me, 'yes, she is definitely on the list. It's so classified that I cannot even talk about it on the phone and will have to meet with you personally...'" She pleaded with me to remain in Israel and she would help me relocate.
SHOCK! And all for my investigative journalism...? Here I am, a peaceful, unarmed and law abiding Christian of Bible college background...and this is how my government rates me SIMPLY FOR PUBLISHING THE TRUTH?
Oh, there is so much MUCH more I could share with you! But the point is, I have to live with these truths every single day, knowing that I am a Christian already marked for death by my government.
One military source, Staff Sergeant D. B. from Fort Lewis, WA, even told me, "The military hates people like you and your reporting...and when they finally get you, they will prolong your torture for a year or more before they finally kill you..." He would know, because he used to be a military interrogator of P.O.W.'s during his term in Iraq, and admitting using torture as well.
But because of the God I serve through Jesus Christ, I refuse to retreat as a coward and stop the work God has given me to do. I serve a Living Savior and I get my marching orders from Him, and His word tells me to NEVER TURN BACK.
This is why I take the time to write articles of Christian love and inspiration on FACEBOOK. I truly love others and the Body of Christ!
And I never know when my last day on this earth is going to be. I want to touch as many lives as possible for the glory of God, before I finally give my life at last for His witness and testimony.
This is all I have left to live for at this time. I am a marked person, and my days are numbered among the living. And only BY HIS GRACE do I remain alive to this day.
And so, please know my heart. This is the first time I have ever really shared this publicly, but I felt it is time to do so. I have warned Sylvia that she faces much danger by living with me, due to my status. But she refuses to abandon me and is determined that we shall together against the darkness together, by God's grace.
Some please, PRAY FOR ME. Pray for Sylvia as well. I have many enemies at this time, BUT THE WORK OF GOD MUST CONTINUE! And cowards who retreat from the great and high CALLING OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS will never wear the victor's crown in Heaven someday!
I prepare myself for martyrdom for Christ daily. That is why your love and prayers are so precious to me. I am very alone in this world and this battlefield...but GOD IS WITH ME.
The Body of Christ is all that I have to receive love and comfort from. I have no remaining family members left on this earth. Your love means so much to me therefore, before I die for Christ.
Thank you for taking the time to read this long post, and to pray for me for VICTORY IN JESUS to the end.-Pamela Rae Schuffert