Monday, December 21, 2015

Mysterious Tree Strengthens The Faith Of Millions Of Christians

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Mysterious Tree Strengthens The Faith Of Millions Of Christians

Has one of the Bible's oldest mysteries finally been solved? According to a think tank based outside of Washington, D.C., the answer might be YES... They've uncovered a 753-year-old manuscript probing the mysterious "Tree of Life" mentioned in the book of Genesis... Turns out there's more to this mysterious tree than anyone thought.
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BREAKING: Al Sharpton Finally Gets Some BAD News… It’s About Time

Earlier this month, President Barack Obama signed into law a highway bill, H.R. 22, that incidentally wound up barring race-baiter Al Sharpton from stepping foot outside of America. Specifically, the bill contained within it a tiny little provision that authorized the State Department to revoke the passports of tax-delinquent Americans who owe the IRS more than $50,000....…+It’s+About+Time&count=none
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PHOTO: Store Cashier Grabs Little Boy From Mother… What She Did Next STUNNED Everyone

A frazzled mother worried over her sick infant in the hospital and her unruly 3-year-old boy was attempting to do some grocery shopping in an Ohio store when an employee did something so unusual that she had to report it. According to WSB-TV, the woman named Kimberly Grandinette and her son were having a tough...…+What+She+Did+Next+STUNNED+Everyone&count=none
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Muslim EXPLODES After Hearing White Man’s 6-Word Joke… Then Stranger Comes Forward, Destroys Her

Two Muslim women who made headlines after one claimed they had been harassed at a landmark Austin, Texas, restaurant because of their Muslim background have come under scrutiny after someone who witnessed the incident provided a starkly different version of it. According to a story in the Houston Chronicle, the incident happened two weeks ago, when an argument broke out...’s+6-Word+Joke…+Then+Stranger+Comes+Forward,+Destroys+Her&count=none
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Over 85,000 Just “Liked” the 4 Words Trump Used to Shut Up Booing Crowd at GOP Debate

Donald Trump's controversial plan to temporarily halt immigration from Muslim countries to the United States was much-discussed during last night's Republican presidential debate in Las Vegas, Nevada. However, while other candidates may have yelled at him -- with Lindsey Graham actually apologizing to Muslims on behalf of Trump -- Trump may have managed to get...,000+Just+“Liked”+the+4+Words+Trump+Used+to+Shut+Up+Booing+Crowd+at+GOP+Debate&count=none
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DEVELOPING: Obama Set to Sign Deal Allowing Foreign Takeover of America’s Land and Resources

Once shrouded in secrecy, President Barack Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership is now becoming public, and what we’re discovering is absolutely frightening. Apparently the deal reverses policies in place to protect national security. Chapter 11 of the deal allows foreign investors the rights to acquire American land, businesses, ports, natural resources, infrastructure and other property. Chapters 28 and...’s+Land+and+Resources&count=none
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