Typically at this time of the year, some people tend to post articles about how "pagan" and "wrong" celebrating Christmas on December 25 is. They discuss the pagan origins of Yule and solstice, etc. And then they proceed to denounce and belittle Christians who dare to "celebrate Christmas" with their legalistic arguments.
Here is my honest Christian response:
Yes, I have thoroughly researched historically what unbelieving pagans in the pre-Christian era did at winter solstice time. But I would like to announce to the world that I AM NOT THAT PAGAN!
I am a born-again Christian who rejoices in ANY time of the year that can be used to glorify God and the sending of His Son to this dark world. And countless churches around the world do just that. It matters not whether Christ was born on that actual date. What matters is that the Christian world honors The Son of God and His birth into the world on that day chosen.
Christians sing Scriptural Christmas carols glorifying the coming of Jesus to this sad world, with words such as, "Son of God, love's pure light...with the dawn of REDEEMING GRACE, Christ the Savior is born." (From "Silent Night") Or, "To save us all from satan's power when we had gone astray..." (From, "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen")
And so many, many more Christmas carols are sung throughout the world, glorifying God and exalting Jesus Christ, Savior of the world.
Gifts are exchanged in joyful celebration of Jesus and His nativity. Loving acts of kindness to the poor and needy and hurting are performed for His glory and in remembrance of His love and birth. Nativity scenes are set up as a visual reminder, especially for children, about what celebrating a Christian Christmas is really all about.
Every Christmas season, I choose to bring a fragrant evergreen tree into my home. For me, it symbolizes Jesus, the Tree of Life, the Everlasting Savior.
While all the deciduous trees are barren and seemingly lifeless in the winter, the noble evergreen coniferous trees show forth their radiant glory and they continue to bear the living green needles that winter's chill of death simply cannot overcome.
Furthermore, this tree also represents exactly what Jesus was born into this world to do. "Cursed is every man who hangeth upon a tree," declares the Bible in the old Testament. And Jesus our Savior was sent to do exactly that: to bear the curse of our sins upon Himself as He hung upon that tree, or wooden cross, at Golgotha.
As Paul the Apostle wrote, "Unto the pure, all things are pure..."
There is nothing pagan or sinful about glorifying God and praising Him for sending His Son into this dark world to save us from satan's power. There is nothing sinful about showing forth His love to the needy and the suffering especially at this wondrous time of the year. There is nothing wrong with glorifying Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world today!
At this time of the year, millions of Christians are singing Christmas carols that glorify the birth of the Son of God into this dark world. Acts of love and compassion are shown to the suffering and needy, all in Jesus' Name and glorifying His love. Nativity scenes are set up world wide as visual reminders, especially to Children, illustrating what Christmas is really about.
I am going to write more about celebrating Christmas, including the WRONG and secular way, centered around what has become a mythical creature called. "SANTA CLAUS" who has become the false god and representative of a carnal and commercial "Christmas"that has NOTHING TO DO WITH JESUS CHRIST.
Grrrr! How I hate "Satan" Claus, who steals the attention away from Jesus at Christmastime, How I hate it when children are taught to put their love, focus and attention on Santa, INSTEAD of Jesus, the only true giver of every good and perfect gift.
This is teaching children to BELIEVE IN A LIE, instead of God's truth. And the Bible says that ALL liars shall have their part in eternal damnation: these are the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Parents, are you still going to teach your children to believe in a lie at Christmas time?
For true Christians, lies have no place in their lives whatsoever.
And so, Christmas naysayers, quit labeling sincere Christians like myself who choose to honor God and His Son at this special time of the year, as "pagans."
I worship and serve a living Savior, Jesus Christ, and choose to glorify Him with millions of other devout Christians around the world at Christmas time.
I worship and serve a living Savior, Jesus Christ, and choose to glorify Him with millions of other devout Christians around the world at Christmas time.
And there is truly NOTHING pagan about this!
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."
- John 3:16
And this is what Christmas is all about! Be blessed this wonderful time of the year.
-Pamela Rae Schuffert