Monday, December 28, 2015

Odd Car Creeps Around Walmart Lot For Weeks… Man SHOCKED When He Looked Inside It

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Best Stories of the Week

Odd Car Creeps Around Walmart Lot For Weeks… Man SHOCKED When He Looked Inside It

Every time that Altoona, Iowa, resident Jake Holloway frequented his local Walmart, he noticed the same silver Jeep sitting in the parking lot with an "I served" sticker in the back window. One day, he decided to approach the vehicle and talk to its owner, and the story that the owner had to share with...…+Man+SHOCKED+When+He+Looked+Inside+It&count=none
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Mom Finds Boy in Bed With Teen Daughter, What She Does Next Leaves Boy “Vomiting” in Terror

Parents are almost always protective of their children, but sometimes that sense of protection goes a little too far and they end up doing something that gets them locked away. KSAZ-TV reported that one mother crossed that line after she discovered a boy in bed with her teenage daughter. The mother, Jeanette Woods, discovered the two...,+What+She+Does+Next+Leaves+Boy+“Vomiting”+in+Terror&count=none
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Man Surveying Land Spots WEIRD Discovery Floating in Water… Realizes It Was “Something Special”

Jason Good is a forester who spends a lot of time in nature. However, even that experience didn't prepare him for what he was to find in November of 2010. While surveying timber in Miegs County, Ohio, Good noticed something floating in a pond off in that distance, as described in a Facebook post by Brent Sutherland....…+Realizes+It+Was+“Something+Special”&count=none
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PAYBACK: Sam’s Club CEO Makes Anti-White Remarks, Instantly Learns Brutal Lesson About Racism

Rosalind Brewer, CEO of Sam's Club, has come under fire for remarks she made in an interview with CNN recently about the diversity of the hiring process and condemnation of white males. In fact, a movement to boycott Sam's Club over the comments appears to be gaining momentum. "It has to start with top leadership," Brewer...’s+Club+CEO+Makes+Anti-White+Remarks,+Instantly+Learns+Brutal+Lesson+About+Racism&count=none
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VIDEO: People Are Finding Terrifying “Eggs” in Their Backyards… and What’s Inside Is Even Scarier

The Clathrus archeri fungus doesn't exactly sound like something to get yourself worked up about -- and, in fairness, it's probably not. However, if you see what happens to its eggs when they hatch in your backyard, you may think otherwise. Clathrus archeri -- more colloquially known as "devil's fingers" or "octopus stinkhorn" -- is a...“Eggs”+in+Their+Backyards…+and+What’s+Inside+Is+Even+Scarier&count=none
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