Not far from the holy Western wall in Jerusalem lies another ancient site
of prayer for all times. There, Jacob buried his beloved Rachel near an ancient
road in Bethlehem (Genesis 35:19-20) for he foresaw that his descendants would
need her prayers en route to exile in Babylonia. Today Rachel’s Tomb is open non-stop
for prayer and stands as a symbol of God's promise to Rachel that her children
will return to its borders (Jeremiah 31:15). If you come and visit "Mama
Rachel," you'll notice the covering of the Torah ark commemorates a young
Israeli bride-to-be who was murdered in a terror attack; her unworn wedding gown
was made into a covering for the ark at Rachel's Tomb. Rachel is an ever
popular Hebrew name, and ranks in the top hundred most popular names for girls
in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and Israel.
Order a Hebrew name certificate now and we'll guarantee digital copies by the
24th of December.