Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Jeb: I'm Considering Breaking My GOP Loyalty Pledge if Trump's the Nominee Guy Benson

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Jeb: I'm Considering Breaking My GOP Loyalty Pledge if Trump's the Nominee
Guy Benson
These rumors started brewing last week, when Bush aides began whispering to reporters about the possibility that their candidate might publicly forswear supporting Donald Trump as the GOP nominee.
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National Q-Poll: Trump 28, Cruz 24, Rubio 12, Carson 10
Guy Benson
Why Doesn't Hillary Call Out Her Husband for Being Used in ISIS Propaganda Video?
Justin Holcomb
Secret Service Agent Leaves Gun, Badge, Cuffs, Etc. in Car Near White House, All Gets Stolen
Katie Pavlich
Bergdahl Defers Plea At Arraignment Hearing
Cortney O'Brien
Christie Criticizes Hillary's 'Happy Talk' on ISIS
Cortney O'Brien
FBI Didn't Prevent Garland Shooting Even Though Call for Attack Was Made on Twitter A Week Earlier
Leah Barkoukis
Hillary Not Qualified to Win War on Terror
Joe Connor
In the wake of the horrific attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, how dare Hillary Clinton lecture us on how to win the war against terrorists.
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20 Ways To Tell If You Might Be A Liberal
John Hawkins
Are you not sure that you're a liberal? Well, there's an easy way to find out. You might be a liberal if...
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Islam and the West: An Irreconcilable Conflict?
Pat Buchanan
"I worry greatly that the rhetoric coming from the Republicans, particularly Donald Trump, is sending a message to Muslims here ... and ... around the world, that there is a 'clash of civilizations.'"
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Retrospective on a Year of Intransigence and Volatility
Armstrong Williams
By all accounts, the political arena has proven to be full of surprises in 2015.
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If Uber Drivers Unionize it will Kill the Golden Goose
Young Voices Advocates
Controversy has arisen over the Seattle City Council's recent decision to allow Uber and Lyft drivers to unionize. Uber has continually fought the efforts of its contractors to unionize, but they might not be able to hold out any longer.
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The Dick Durbin Internet Tax
Stephen Moore
How's this for an early Christmas gift?
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PolitiFact Names Donald Trump's Campaign Statements As Its Lie of the Year
Christine Rousselle
PolitiFact, in a break from tradition, has named "the campaign misstatements of Donald Trump" as its Lie of the Year.
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Virginia to Drop Long Held Concealed Carry Reciprocity Agreements With Two Dozen States
Katie Pavlich
According to a report in the Washington Post this morning, Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring, a Democrat, will unilaterally end the state's long held concealed carry reciprocity agreements with 25 states.
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Columnists & Tipsheet
The Busybody Left
Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell
The Known -- and Unknown -- Unknowns in the Republican Race Ahead
Michael Barone
Michael Barone
Inspector in Chief Barack Clouseau
David Limbaugh
David Limbaugh
Republicans Surrender to the 'Dark Side'
Cal Thomas
Cal  Thomas
Saying 'Merry Christmas' Is Very Important
Dennis Prager
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A Home in Every Price Range
David Boaz
David Boaz
Not 'The Mikado': The Bravado
Debra J. Saunders
Debra J. Saunders
The Vatican Is Wrong: Jews Do Need Jesus
Michael Brown
Michael Brown
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
Virginia Democrats End Concealed Carry Reciprocity, Bring Back Slavery | Bob Owens
Snowman William Tell | Bob Owens
Paul Pushes Senate Bill to Cripple Obama’s Executive Action On Guns | Bob Owens
CBS Station Claims Concealed Carry To Be Eliminated In West Virginia | Bob Owens
ATF Lets Straw-Purchasing Violent Criminal Walk In WV | Jenn Jacques
Political News
Trump uses crude language to mock Clinton | AP News
Kentucky gov removes names of clerks from marriage licenses | AP News
AP NewsAlert | AP News
GOP debate crushed it in week's ratings, but CBS won overall | AP News
Utah can block Planned Parenthood funds while suit proceeds | AP News
Obamacare in Full Effect
Plus: 2014 Senate Races
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