Dear Friends, Even though right now it’s snowing in Jerusalem,
today is known as “Tu B’shvat”, or the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shvat,
which is the Jewish holiday of tree planting. When the early Zionist
pioneers came here around 100 years ago, this place was a desolate wasteland.
The first thing the Jews did was plant trees. Lots and lots of trees. In fact,
we have planted over 240,000,000 trees in the last
century! Last year, however, was the Shemitah year and so NO trees were
planted, and so, I am inviting you today for a special opportunity... Plant a Tree in the Land of Israel in Honor of Tu
B’Shvat!When it comes to Israel, planting trees is not
just an act of gardening, it is a prophetic act. God promised long ago,
“The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and
blossom (Isaiah 35:1).” We are so fortunate that we can not only see this
promise come true, but we can help make it come true! Join us
in prayer, that this post-Shemitah Tu B’Shvat brings us closer to the day when
the land “will rejoice and blossom” with the ultimate redemption of Israel and
the world. Shalom, Rabbi Tuly Weisz PS - When you dedicate your tree in memory or in honor of someone
special, we will send you a personalized Tree