Thursday, September 1, 2016

Colin Kaepernick's White Mother Just Dropped A Bomb About His Anthem Protest
Colin Kaepernick's White Mother Just Dropped A Bomb About His Anthem Protest
The mother of San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has just broken her silence over his decision to sit during the National Anthem. She's letting everyone know EXACTLY how she feels about her son's actions, and it's going to come as a shock to many... Read more...
Ben Carson’s BRUTAL Response to Colin Kaepernik Dissing America Just Got Over 200,000 “Likes”
Dr. Ben Carson just destroyed Colin Kaepernik's absurd flag protest.... Do you agree with Ben? Read more...
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Gruesome Medical Emergency Just Sent Sarah Palin To Hospital - 'Crashed And Burned'
We're hoping Sarah Palin has a full recovery...
BREAKING: Trump Camp Furious After Top 2 Debate Moderators Named…. This Is NOT Right
We just found out who the top two debate moderators this fall when Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton face off were in a poll... and it has Trump's camp absolutely FURIOUS. When you see who these moderators are, you'll realize why. Read more...
Trump's Former GOP Opponent And Huge Critic Makes Stunning Change - 'I Like What I See'
Wow... Donald Trump's campaign just got a major boost from a VERY unexpected person. The Trump campaign did not see this coming, but it could be just thing to put him over the top. Read more...
BREAKING: Newest Presidential Poll Shatters Expectations
Donald J. Trump just got bombshell news from the most recent national presidential poll... this is NOT what people were expecting. Do you think this trend will continue? Read more...
Look Who Was Just Spotted On Donald Trump's Private Jet - Supporters Surprised
These are probably the last two people I would ever expect to see anywhere near Donald Trump's jet ... Read more...
WATCH: 17-Year-Old Video Shows How Trump Really Treats Minorities… Media Calls Blackout
A 17-year-old video from a major civil rights figure was just uncovered, and it showed how Donald J. Trump REALLY treats minorities. So, what the media decide to do? Call a blackout on it. Here's what the liberal press doesn't want you to see... Read more...
Rush Limbaugh Sees NFL Quarterback Sit During National Anthem, Instantly Knows What To Do
Rush Limbaugh just had the PERFECT response to Colin Kaepernick's refusal to stand during the national anthem. This is unlike anyone else's reaction, and it could only come from Rush. Read more...
SICK: “Oppressed” Kaepernick Hopes We Never Learn What He Was Fined for 2 Years Ago
Colin Kaepernick, the $20 million quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers (well, for now) claims that he's "oppressed" by America and its "racist" citizens. However, here's what the NFL fined him for two years ago... and he's hoping NOBODY finds this out. Read more...
Just In: Fox News Responds To Andrea Tantaros With Bombshell Claim
Fox News just responded to Andrea Tantaros' lawsuit with a blistering announcement that's left fans STUNNED. This has flipped the whole story on its head... Read more...
BREAKING: Team That Kaepernick Wants to Play for Just Delivered PEFECT Justice
Controversial quarterback Colin Kaepernick allegedly wants to play for THIS major NFL team... however, it looks like they might not want him if the 49ers don't. Here's the perfect justice that they delivered Kaepernick over his decision to sit the National Anthem out... Read more...


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