Begin Begging Netanyahu
to Permit Destruction of Amona JNi.Media The Likud MKs who, unlike Begin, had actually been elected by Likud voters,
all voiced their enthusiastic support for the Regulations Act and urged
Netanyahu to promote it.
New York Times Declares War
on the Jewish State of Israel Dovid
Ben-Meir UNESCO reminds us once again – as if we needed reminding –
that the UN is hugely populated with four types of nations: the brainless
scare-crow, the heartless tin-man, the cowardly lion and Dorothy.
and UNESCO: Historical View vs. Jihad View Jagdish N.
Singh After so many recent votes at UNESCO erasing Judeo-Christian
history in favor of Islamist misrepresentation one thing is clear: the sooner
democracies leave the UN, the better
Bias in a National Election Bruce Abramson
and Jeff Ballabon The American establishment is committed to blocking
Trump’s election. Are the 2016 elections rigged? You bet they are.
Beyond the Jerusalem Papyrus Debate [audio] Rejuvenation with Eve
Harow The Land of Israel Biblical Archaeology expert Professor
Shmuel Ahituv discusses with Eve Harow the incredibly rare find of the
‘Jerusalem Papyrus.' Who knows what else awaits discovery in the arid Judean
Desert? On this weeks Rejuvenation on The Land of Israel Network.