Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Ancient Arabic Inscription Identifies the Dome of the Rock with the Jewish Temple [video]

Email look weird? View it on the web here .
November 1, 2016 / 30 Tishri 5777
http://sable.madmimi.com/c/28710?id=17986259.29531.1.79f56ac918c8d5e8eac4f71bc5dde4de http://sable.madmimi.com/c/28710?id=17986259.29532.1.a2de7840e6ab99958f37b69a4659c342

Headlines & Recommended
Home Stretch: Adelson Betting $25 Million on Trump

David Israel
Adelson might come up with even more money to seal the deal later in the week.

Eager for Israeli Business, Vietnam Nevertheless Withholds Its Support in International Forums

David Israel
Vietnam would like to step up the two countries' affiliation in science and technology, especially hi-tech.

Zion Pharma, Kaplan Hospital, Developing ‘Gammora’ Cure for AIDS

In eight days, the virus in the test tubes was cut down by between 95% and 97%.

MK Begin Begging Netanyahu to Permit Destruction of Amona

The Likud MKs who, unlike Begin, had actually been elected by Likud voters, all voiced their enthusiastic support for the Regulations Act and urged Netanyahu to promote it.

ZOA Praises Federations for Lifting Ban on Visiting Judea/Samaria

Morton A. Klein
We urge all Jewish groups like AIPAC and others to begin to visit the Jewish communities in Judea/Samaria, as well.

Report: Justice Minister ‘Simplifying’ Supreme Court Appointments

David Israel
Historically, the Supreme Court aligned with the Bar, as well as the Knesset opposition, to push through their own candidates.

The New York Times Declares War on the Jewish State of Israel

Dovid Ben-Meir
UNESCO reminds us once again – as if we needed reminding – that the UN is hugely populated with four types of nations: the brainless scare-crow, the heartless tin-man, the cowardly lion and Dorothy.

Israel Warns Google, Apple: New Game on Gaza War Could Endanger IDF Soldiers

Hana Levi Julian
A new game about the Gaza war, on Google and Apple, may endanger IDF soldiers.

Read more Headlines & Recommended articles

The Yishai Fleisher Show
Is America Still an “Ally”? With Amb. Michael Oren [audio]
Yishai speaks with Ambassador MK Michael Oren, MK Rabbi Yehudah Glick on the children of Otniel and with Rabbi Mike Feuer on the Big Bang. It's a show not to be missed.

Read more The Yishai Fleisher Show articles

Liberman to Knesset Defense Committee: Hamas Preparing for Next Round
The defense minister said Israel will invest close to $1 billion over the next few years on defending the Gaza-vicinity communities.

Report: IDF Force Levels Land in Northern Gaza Strip
IDF drones hovered over the area during the incursion.

Terror Attack Foiled Near Tomb of the Patriarchs
The woman pulled out two large knives from her bag...

Road Terror North of Jerusalem
Arab terrorists in the Palestinian Authority are escalating attacks on the roads.

Russian Armada Enters Mediterranean En Route to Syria
Russia’s Defense Minister noted that the fact that "certain countries" refused to let his ships dock in their ports did not hinder the mission.

State Asks for 7-Month Delay in Destruction of Amona
The state petitioned the High Court with a request to delay the demolition of Amona.

Katzav to Apply Third Time for Parole
Former president Katzav is again trying to win parole without expressing remorse.

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India and UNESCO: Historical View vs. Jihad View

Jagdish N. Singh
After so many recent votes at UNESCO erasing Judeo-Christian history in favor of Islamist misrepresentation one thing is clear: the sooner democracies leave the UN, the better

Press Bias in a National Election

Bruce Abramson and Jeff Ballabon
The American establishment is committed to blocking Trump’s election. Are the 2016 elections rigged? You bet they are.

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Shiloh Musings: Time for Me to Just Wait and Watch American Presidential Elections
Shiloh Musings
Batya Medad
Hillary's supporters find Trump despicable; Trump's supporters consider Hillary a criminal. Whoever wins will have an awfully hard time governing and making Americans feel like one country.

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JewishPress.com Radio
Rejuvenation: Beyond the Jerusalem Papyrus Debate [audio]
Rejuvenation with Eve Harow
The Land of Israel
Biblical Archaeology expert Professor Shmuel Ahituv discusses with Eve Harow the incredibly rare find of the ‘Jerusalem Papyrus.' Who knows what else awaits discovery in the arid Judean Desert? On this weeks Rejuvenation on The Land of Israel Network.

Tamar Yonah – The 25 BEST Movie Titles to Describe the U.S. Elections [audio]
The Tamar Yonah Show
Israel News Talk Radio
Movies, Halloween, and more!

Tamar Yonah Show – Will Russian Forces Threaten Israel? [audio]
The Tamar Yonah Show
Israel News Talk Radio
Will Russian forces clash with Israel?

Walter Bingham File – The Top Secret Pre-State Science Corps How HEMED Helped Create Our State [audio]
The Walter Bingham File
Israel News Talk Radio
How HEMED Helped Create Our State

Danger Zone – I Am My Brothers Keeper [audio]
The Danger Zone with Gadi Adelman
Israel News Talk Radio
The beginnings of the Israeli Air Force.

Phantom Nation – Jerusalem Denial [audio]
Phantom Nation
Israel News Talk Radio
The three faces of evil.

Soul Talk – Embracing Change and Maintaining It! [audio]
Soul Talk
Israel News Talk Radio
How to stick to your new years resolutions!

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