Friday, June 22, 2018

An Immigration Attorney Grilled Obama About Border 'Baby Jails' Three Years Ago. His Response Will Surprise You.

An Immigration Attorney Grilled Obama About Border 'Baby Jails' Three Years Ago. His Response Will Surprise You.

  • 06/20/2018 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
An Immigration Attorney Grilled Obama About Border 'Baby Jails' Three Years Ago. His Response Will Surprise You.
By US Border Patrol - Department of Homeland Security, United States Border Patrol, Public Domain,
Immigration lawyer R. Andrew Free just tweeted a description of a 2015 conversation with President Barack Obama that revealed how the left's perceived controversial treatment of families who crossed the border illegally persisted under the previous administration. (TheBlaze)
Free described the interaction in a detailed Twitter thread: “In 2015, I shook President Obama’s hand, thanked him for DACA, and asked him to reverse course & close the for-profit baby jails (also known as ‘family detention centers’) he opened in Dilley & Karnes City, Texas.”
According to Free, Obama said this in response: “I’ll tell you what we can’t have. It’s these parents sending their kids here on a dangerous journey and putting their lives at risk.”

The Obama administration used “aggressive” policies to discourage illegal immigrants. In one example from July 2015, the ACLU fought to stop a government policy of locking up mothers and children from Central America who were claiming asylum.

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