CNN contributor calls for Israel’s extermination, endorses violence against Jewish state
CNN is home to some of the vilest racists on television. This is the network that accuses President Trump of racism. At a pro-“Palestinian” UN event, CNN contributor Marc Lamont Hill called for Israel’s extermination. Sadly, CNN President Jeff Zucker (who is Jewish) will allow this vicious anti-Semite to remain on CNN television.
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Zucker did not think twice about firing Trump supporter Jeffrey Lord (who is not an anti-Semite) for apparently using a Nazi slogan. However, Zucker will allow Lamont Hill (who is an anti-Semite) to go unpunished, despite calling for genocide against the Jewish people of Israel. That is because Lamont Hill is a leftist. At CNN it is acceptable to be a racist if you are a leftist.
“CNN contributor calls for Israel’s extermination, endorses violence against Jewish state [Video],” by Jordan Schachtel, Conservative Review, November 28, 2018:
CNN commentator Marc Lamont Hill spoke today at the U.N.’s “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People,” an annual anti-Israel hatefest that props up Palestinian terrorists and is rife with calls for Israel’s extermination.In his speech before the United Nations in New York City, the CNN personality explicitly endorsedviolent Palestinian actions against Israel.“Hill said the international community must allow the Palestinian Arabs to use any methods necessary to resist Israel, implying that violence against Israel is legitimate,” Israel National News reports.Hill not only endorsed violence against Israel, he also called for its destruction.“Justice requires … a free Palestine from the river to the sea,” Hill said, endorsing an annihilationist slogan meant to convey that a State of Palestine should take the place of the current nation of Israel.…
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