Friday, November 30, 2018

‘Feminist’ Amy Schumer Launches Profane Insults At First GOP Woman Elected In MS

Self-described “feminist” Amy Schumer hurled a barrage of profane insults at Cindy Hyde-Smith, who became the first Republican woman ever elected to the U.S. Senate in Mississippi.
The far-left comedian is well-known for her progressive views and being ardently against anyone who dares to support President Donald Trump and his policies.
On Tuesday, the comedian — who is the niece of Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) — posted a vile video on her Instagram account and trashed Hyde-Smith and her supporters.
In the post, Schumer was shown vomiting into a cup before one of her comedy shows.
Underneath the video, she wrote in the description that she was cancelling some of her shows due to her pregnancy.
She then launched into a vulgar tirade against Hyde-Smith after she won the special election on Tuesday in Mississippi over Democrat Mike Espy for the U.S. Senate.
The graphic video and post, which features profane language, can be viewed below:

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Turn sound off if you have a weak stomach. This was my ride to my show at @tarrytownmusichall tonight and a picture from the end of my set. I love doing stand-up more than anything and I hate cancelling shows. I have to postpone some until I feel human again. But i will make up these dates and we will have a great time. I’m so proud of my stand up right now and can’t wait to share it. Thanks to the amazing crowd tonight for being so warm and such great laughers and for being cool with my sweatpants and slippers on stage. Shots by @marcusrussellprice we are shooting a doc of me these past few months leading up to a special Im filming and you will see that I’m strugglin right now. But I’m so grateful and excited to be a mom. I’m grateful I have access to healthcare, as we all should have. But I guess what I’m really saying is Fuck Hyde-Smith and anyone who voted for her. My feelings on her are best expressed by the above video. And I don’t usually agree with speaking ill of crackheads, but she has a crackhead looking mouth. Tiny racist teeth confederate ass campaign with her crack mouth said she would attend a public hanging. #crackmouth #tinyracistteeth #hyperemesisgravidarum
A post shared by @ amyschumer on 
After detailing her show and briefly discussing her pregnancy, she went after Hyde-Smith.
“But I guess what I’m really saying is F**k Hyde-Smith and anyone who voted for her. My feelings on her are best expressed by the above video,” Schumer wrote.
“And I don’t usually agree with speaking ill of crackheads, but she has a crackhead looking mouth. Tiny racist teeth confederate a** campaign with her crack mouth said she would attend a public hanging,” she added.
Aside from being the first women ever elected from Mississippi to the U.S. Senate, Hyde-Smith is also fully backed by Trump.
Hyde-Smith acknowledged numerous times in recent weeks that the alleged racist comments that Schumer referenced were taken out of context.
This is also hardly the first time Schumer has made controversial comments about politics and issues.
Last month, she questioned whether white players in the NFL who don’t kneel with their black teammates are “complicit” in the “endless racism people of color face in our country.”
“I wonder why more white players aren’t kneeling,” she wrote. “Once you witness the truly deep inequality and endless racism people of color face in our country, not to mention the police brutality and murders. Why not kneel next to your brothers? Otherwise how are you not complicit?”
She was also arrested in October during a protest held at the Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill. The group of leftists were protesting and seeking to disrupt the confirmation hearing fro Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

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