Columbia Teachers College professor’s office vandalized with swastikas, anti-Semitic slurs
This act of anti-Semitism should not be a surprise. Columbia University has one of the worst records for BDS activity in the United States. The open hatred of Israel on university campuses, in the mainstream media, and now corporate America, is what is driving the surge in anti-Semitic incidents across the United States. The significant increase in anti-Israel activity (which began to increase under President Obama) is a direct result of high levels of Muslim immigration.
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“Columbia Teachers College professor’s office vandalized with swastikas, anti-Semitic slurs,” by Karen Xia, Columbia Spectator, November 29, 2018:
The office of Jewish professor Elizabeth Midlarsky, who teaches and researches the Holocaust at Columbia Teachers College, was vandalized with swastikas and anti-Semitic slurs on Wednesday.The incident is under active investigation by the NYPD, and there is no known perpetrator at this time.Midlarsky found the graffiti—two swastikas alongside the derogatory term “Yid”—when she came to her office around 1 p.m. today, at which point she notified security. The graffiti was drawn in the entryway to Midlarksy’s office, which is not shared with other staff.“I was in shock,” Midlarsky said. “I stopped for a moment, because I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.”All Teachers College academic buildings require ID for entry, either from Teachers College, Columbia, Barnard, or other affiliated schools.Midlarsky’s office had previously vandalized in 2007, when a swastika was spray-painted on her door and anti-Semitic flyers left in her mailbox. According to Midlarsky, this prior incident was “horrifying but not surprising” due to her “relatively visible status as a Jew” at the time, citing her numerous published papers and articles on subjects related to the Holocaust.However, Midlarsky, attributed this second incident to a broader national rise in anti-Semitic crimes and a changing culture. Midlarsky is a professor of psychology and education whose research interests include altruism, religiousness, and the Holocaust.A Teachers College spokesperson was unable to comment on the specifics of the incident but provided a statement made by Teachers College president Thomas Bailey….
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