Friday, November 30, 2018

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November 30, 2018 / 22 Kislev 5779
Shabbat Shalom!

Headlines & Recommended
Jerusalem Police Interrupt Extremists’Wedding of 13-Year-Old to Another Minor

David Israel
After identifying the bride as a 13-year-old girl, the police suspect that she was the minor who had been reported missing by her father two months ago.

Watch: CNN’s Marc Lamont Hill FiredAfter Calling to ‘Free Palestine From River to the Sea’

Hana Levi Julian
Hill said he had just disembarked from a flight from "Palestine" and was "boycotting the Israeli water so I was unable to quench my thirst."

Hate Crimes in Canada Up 47% Targeting Jews, Muslims and Blacks

David Israel
Hate crimes against the Jewish population increased for the second consecutive year, rising from 221 in 2016 to 360 in 2017.

Hikind Warns Palestinian Authority That Holding US Citizen Will Result in ‘Major Repercussions’

TPS / Tazpit News Agency
“Any American citizen in the world, America stands by that person and will do whatever is necessary to protect that individual."

UN International Search & Rescue Advisory Group Accredits IDF Search & Rescue Brigade

Hana Levi Julian
The Israeli team was put through a week-long accreditation test that included 230 different criteria.

Syria Update
Russia’s News Agency Apologizes for‘Downed Israeli Plane’ Hoax

David Israel
RIA Novosti was established on June 24, 1941, by a resolution of the USSR Council of People’s Commissars and the Communist Party Central Committee, as the "Soviet Information Bureau."

Syria Reports Israeli Warplanes Attacked Positions in Syria

Hana Levi Julian
Israeli media, meanwhile, claimed security officials were investigating a report that a projectile "may have" landed in the Golan Heights.

Syrian Missile Fired at Israeli Golan Heights

Hana Levi Julian
Israeli military forces were deployed to search the area for exploded or fallen ordnance.

Iranian Commercial Jet Delivers Weapons Parts Direct to Beirut
The Boeing 747 belonged to Fars Air Qeshm Airlines, which is used by Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

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The Yishai Fleisher Show
United Colors of Israel
The son's of Jacob are united in the land of Israel - should be a great time, no? However, there are fractures in the family of Israel and they come out in this weeks Torah portion. Rav Mike joins Rabbi Yishai to talk about the sale of Joseph and his descent into imprisonment through the false allegations of Mrs. Potifar. And his dream interpretations there, plus Judah consorts with his daughter-in-law to protect the seed of Messiah? Finally, Malkah Fleisher joins the show to talk about her incredible trip to the Ukraine and to the Tomb of the Baal Shem Tov.

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Investigation Into Texas Synagogue Fire, 5 Torah Scrolls Saved
Two of the Torah scrolls were damaged by water. No injuries were reported in the blaze.

Columbia Professor Targeted in Anti-Semitic Vandalism
This is not the first time she has been the target of anti-Semitic vandalism.

75 Groups Demand Pitzer College Condemn Faculty’s Ending Israel Study Abroad Program
The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel urges faculty to shut down study abroad programs in Israel.

Trump Administration Rejects Airbnb Move to Join Anti-Israel BDS Campaign
So far, the company has de-listed at least 200 Jewish-owned rental homes in Judea and Samaria.

Israeli Child Hospitalized with Brain Infection Due to Measles
More than 2,000 cases of measles have been reported this past year in Israel alone.

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Trump, Nazis, and American Jewry

Isi Leibler
By far the most obscene aspect of this mudslinging is the concerted Jewish attempt to portray Trump as tolerating Nazis and being an anti-Semite. This lie has been reproduced so frequently in recent months by progressive rabbis and Jewish lay leaders that it has become imbedded in the minds of many Democratic supporters.

Sick And Tired Of Political Correctness

Rabbi YY Rubinstein
Sadly, we don’t live in an age of reasonable people. Lots and lots of people want to be offended. They relish it. It allows them to express their moral outrage and superiority.

What YouTube Can Teach Us

Sarah N. Pachter
Can we really be persuaded to do or buy something in that amount of time? Apparently, we can. Skeptical? Even the Torah discusses the power of a few moments. We can accomplish much in "the blink of an eye"

Bennett Isn’t Better Than Netanyahu

Moshe Feiglin
There is no difference between Netanyahu and Bennett, except for the mental dependence of the latter upon the former.

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Parshas VaYeshev

Rabbi Yaakov Klass

Redeeming Relevance: It’s Not Always the Thought that Counts

Rabbi Francis Nataf
Given Reuven's less-than-altruistic motivations, the Torah could have given us a much more negative spin on what occurred. But it doesn’t. That is because the bottom line is that Reuven did the right thing. And that is what the Torah cares about the most.

Refusing Comfort, Keeping Hope

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
Jewish history may seem to signify irretrievable loss, a fate that must be accepted. Jews never believed the evidence because they had something else to set against it – a faith, a trust, an unbreakable hope that proved stronger than historical inevitability

Aphorisms To Live By

Sivan Rahav-Meir
Tuesday was the 23rd yahrzeit of Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Neriah, founder of the Bnei Akiva yeshivot, educator, revolutionary, author, Rabbi Kook's disciple, and Israel Prize laureate. Here are just a few phrases from the great legacy that he left:

Without Intimidation

Rabbi Simcha Weinberg
On Parshat Vayeishev with a nod to Chanukah.

Chanukah In Bergen-Belsen

Rabbi Raphael Fuchs
The Holocaust was a dark period in our history, yet there were instances where Hashem let a bit of light shine through the darkness.

Want To Be Heard? Speak Quietly (Part II)

Rebbetzin Miriam Gross
Please don’t misunderstand me. I am a firm believer in the “perfect marriage." It exists. As a matter of fact, every two people who walk down the aisle have an opportunity to create it.

Kiddush And Havdalah: Should One Sit Or Stand?

Rabbi Yaakov Hoffman
Customs regarding sitting or standing for Kiddush and Havdalah have clearly been very much in flux for the last several centuries.

Q & A: Is An Electric Menorah Good Enough? (Part I)

Rabbi Yaakov Klass
Question: Does one fulfill the mitzvah of lighting Chanukah candles with an electric menorah? Can one recite the blessings before lighting it? A. Gordon

Spiritually In Tune

Rosally Saltsman
Eli believes in reincarnation and rectifying the soul and he believes with a hundred percent certainty that this whole episode was part of his tikkun.

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