Wednesday, May 29, 2019


And the media stays faithfully silent.

“Cuba and the United States  signed an agreement to cooperate in the fight against terrorism, drug trafficking, money laundering and other international criminal activities on the eve of President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration.” (Reuters, Jan. 2017)
“Cuban security officials toured Key West drug-war center—A delegation of Cuban government national security officials recently toured the Pentagon’s counter-drug center in Key West (in May, 2016)— a first, signaling a nascent effort in U.S.-Cuban security cooperation..They got a briefing on the work that has been described as Southcom’s command center in the war on drugs.”
“Cuba has kept drug trafficking, in check— the U.S. State Department’s (under Obama) annual narcotics control report found that (Cuba) is not a major consumer, producer or transit point for illegal narcotics.” (Miami Herald, March 2017.)
In brief, a Republican’s word under oath is an obvious subterfuge. But the word of KGB-mentored apparatchiks who’ve run a Russian satrapy for over half a century is good as gold. So seem to reason the Obama team and their Fake News Media auxiliaries. And to demonstrate their fidelity to the Russian satrap’s word, the Obama team put our national security where Castro’s mouth is, by giving his top defense and secret police apparatchiks a guided tour of some of our most vital defense facilities!
In brief, unlike in the case with Republicans, no villainy linked to “Russian collusion” is attributed by Democrats to the apparatchiks who have run a terror-sponsoring Russian satrapy on our doorstep for upwards of 60 years!….Now back to some late-breaking news: 
“Panamanian authorities on Saturday (May, 18, 2019) intercepted 46 suitcases containing an estimated $90 million in illegal drugs on a cargo ship that arrived from a Cuban port and was en route to Istanbul, Turkey. The suitcases contained 1,517 packages of drugs hidden in a container declared as containing charcoal.”
Needless to add: no mainstream U.S. media portal (not even FOX!) has reported on this blockbuster embarrassment to the Obama team.
But this wasn’t the first egg on the faces of the Obama team, especially the architects of the partnership with Castro such as Pajama Boy Ben Rhodes and CIA chief John Brennan, who secretly met with Raul Castro’s son Alejandro. Instead:
“Panamanian authorities have intercepted over 401 kilos of cocaine in a shipment from Cuba en route to Belgium. The cocaine was found in a (Cuban) container camouflaged by (Cuban) molasses tanks.” (April, 14, 2017.)
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) attributes half the world’s cocaine supply to the Colombian Terror group FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), who are intimately linked with the people who nowadays run next door Venezuela—who are Cuban-guarded and manipulated puppets.
"I don't think I'd even call (Venezuela) a regime, “ said Navy Adm. Craig Faller, head of U.S. Southern Command just this week, “ it's a mafia. It's an illicit business that he's (Maduro) running with his 2,000 corrupt generals. It's ruining the country…Illicit narco trafficking through Venezuela is up some 40 percent.”
So the dots shouldn’t be overly difficult to connect.
In fact, The FARC itself, once gave credit where credit is due, attributing their rollicking success to the Castro regime:
"Thanks to Castro" boasted late FARC commander Tiro-Fijo in an interview, "we are now a powerful army, not a hit and run band."  
Given the hefty piece of the action which the Castro-Family-Crime-Syndicate (mislabeled “Cuba” by the media) undoubtedly gets from FARC it’s only proper that FARC kingpins have the run of the Castro Family Fiefdom. In fact, some of these distinguished gentlemen were seated just a few rows from Obama himself when he attended that baseball game in Havana during his famous visit in March 2016.
Not that the Cuban regime’s drug-running started recently. Not by a long-shot:
“The case we have against Raul Castro right now (for drug-trafficking) is much stronger than the one we had against Manuel Noriega in 1988.” (U.S. prosecutors in Florida to the Miami Herald, July 1996.)
“Federal prosecutors in Miami were prepared to indict Raul Castro as the head of a major cocaine smuggling conspiracy in 1993, but the Clinton Administration Justice Department overruled them, current and former Justice Department officials tell ABC News…”It was a major investigation involving numerous witnesses that was killed at the highest levels in Washington,” said a former Justice Department official with direct knowledge of the case.”
I would be remiss in my reportorial responsibilities if I didn’t mention that the Castro regime emphatically and categorically denies any involvement with the drugs found aboard the ship that left its port last week, insisting the drugs were snuck onto the containers in Panama itself and that the regime has always enforced a “zero–tolerance” policy towards drug consumption and smuggling.
I would be equally remiss in my reportorial responsibilities by not pointing out other historic and emphatic denials by the Castro regime. To maximize the effect on American pundits and policymakers one of the most historic was made to -- among other influential American opinion-shapers of the time -- Ed Sullivan.  
Try not to snort while viewing it, especially while picturing the guffaws from the denier’s KGB handlers of the time. After all, along with the mainstream media of the time, both the U.S. State Department and John Brennan’s predecessors at the CIA believed every word of the denial.

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