Her public AND private lives revolve around an intense hatred for Israel.
May 28, 2019

Rasha Mubarak leads an extremist life. She organizes anti-Israel rallies, she affiliates with terror-related groups, she posts photos of Hamas celebrations on her social media, and she attacks those who believe Israel has a right to defend herself. Mubarak’s extremist existence, though, has not just appeared in her public life; it has also reared its ugly head in her private life, case in point: Mubarak’s hostile marriage.
Mubarak is the Central Florida Regional Director for the Florida Young Democrats (FYD). Prior to getting involved with the Democratic Party, she held the same title, Central Florida Regional Director, with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a group known for its ties to Hamas. She has, as well, performed volunteer work with Islamic Relief (IR), which has had associations with numerous terrorist organizations. In November 2014, Mubarak was a featured speaker at the 12th Annual International Convention of Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition, a US-based activist group that opposes Israel’s right to exist.
This month, when Hamas launched more than 600 rockets into Israel, leading to the deaths of four civilians, Mubarak tweeted against anyone who would dare defend Israeli retaliation. In November 2012, she tweeted, “#LiesImTiredOfHearing Israel has the right to defend herself.” At the time, Israel had launched a war against Hamas, also in retaliation for Hamas massive rocket fire. At the end of the 2014 Israel-Gaza Conflict, Mubarak retweeted photos of a jubilant Hamas, who had, bizarrely, just declared victory. One of her posts read, “Thousands of people celebrating in the streets of Gaza for the victory. Alhamdulillah. #VictoryForGaza.”
Most everything Mubarak does in her public life revolves around her intense hatred for Israel. Even her involvement with the Democratic Party seems like a way to strategically target the Jewish state, as she can hide her animosity within generic progressive stances. Indeed, Mubarak has used the Democratic Party, its leaders and its logos to push anti-Jewish and anti-Israel bigotry, such as BDS.
Mubarak’s private life is just as combustible.
On April 20, 2014, Rasha Ahmad Mubarak was wed to Mohammad Sami Amori, in what looked to be a very fancy wedding and emotional event for both the bride and groom’s families.
Taking part in the wedding was Mubarak’s uncle, Orlando real estate investor Said Lutfi. Lutfi is infamous for making horrific anti-Semitic statements on camera at a Democratic Party/CAIR co-sponsored rally organized by Mubarak in December 2017. During the rally, titled ‘HANDS OFF JERUSALEM RALLY FOR PALESTINE,’ Lutfi referred to Jews as “the crappiest piece of s**t on this planet,” “baby killers,” and “Jesus killers.” Lutfi stated, “A ‘Jew’ is a curse.”
At another Mubarak-organized rally – July 2018’s ‘Al-Qods Day’ in Orlando – Lutfi, again caught on camera, discussed his view of Hezbollah. As friend of the family and former Lutfi Investment Company employee Todarian Harvey (a.k.a. Ali Shabazz Sa Amun) waved a Hezbollah flag next to Lutfi, Mubarak’s uncle stated the following: “Hezbollah to us is a freedom fighter; to you they are terrorists. To us they are freedom fighters from the occupation of so-called Israel.” [A previous image of Harvey has him with his finger on the trigger of an AK-47 Rifle.]
Years before Said Lutfi joined in his niece’s rallies, he had been the subject of an alleged crime, regarding his brother, Mohammad Lutfi, and the mother of Mohammad’s two children, Hiyam Dean Taha. In January 2007, Taha accused Said of holding her against her will and preventing her from calling the police, after Mohammad attacked her and attempted to stab her with a steak knife.
Also participating at Mubarak’s wedding was fellow CAIR operative Laila Abdelaziz. In November 2012, during Israel’s war with Hamas, Abdelaziz tweeted, “Don’t worry ya Gaza, we’re working hard for you in Florida,” Mubarak, retweeted her, adding, “Yes we are!”
Almost one year to the date of the wedding, in April 2015, Mubarak and her husband became legally separated and began residing in separate locations. On December 14, 2016, the Orange County Circuit Court granted the once-seemingly happy couple a divorce.
In December 2015, Amori petitioned the court to produce an injunction for protection against domestic violence from Mubarak – déjà vu for the Mubarak family. In doing so, Amori described for the court a series of disturbing incidents carried out, according to him, by Mubarak, which included stalking; trespassing; showing up uninvited to his job, parents’ house and dentist’s office; disturbing the peace; and jumping on him and the hood of his car.
One incident took place, according to Amori, at his workplace, the Orlando office for Oracle. He states, “Rasha Mubarak was waiting for me outside of work. I told her I needed to leave. She grabbed at my arm telling me she has a right to talk to me. She tried to get into the car via passenger side. I was able to get in the car and lock the doors. When I tried to leave she jumped in front of my car and eventually on my hood. She was pounding on my windshield screaming at me to get out. When I pulled out… my phone she started screaming even louder. Every time I tried to leave she would jump in front of my car/hood.”
Mubarak credits her father for showing her “how to use a megaphone and how to march in the streets of Downtown Orlando” and teaching her the need to use her voice “to fight for justice and to always work towards the liberation of my people.” No matter how melodramatically noble this undertaking sounds, the justice and liberation that Mubarak envisions is one built on the hatred and destruction of another people, the Jewish nation of Israel, and that is completely wicked and corrupt.
And while no one should blame Mubarak’s father for the sins of his daughter, one cannot discount the role her family played in creating the environment that is conducive to her radical behavior, both inside and outside her home.
Indeed, Rasha Mubarak’s extremism knows no bounds.
Beila Rabinowitz, Director of Militant Islam Monitor contributed to this report.