JAB THE TROOPS: This 'vax tyranny' must be struck down. Any government has
NO LEGAL RIGHT to come between a patient's doctor and them. So, there is something else going on here and dark government knows that!!! 🚫💉🚫🪖🪖🪖
JABBING EUROPE: Again how fat are these leaders BIG PHARMA JAB STOCKS
PORTFOLIOS? Turning millionaire investors into billionaires in just 6 days....
Maybe these leaders got a case of 'the greedies' saying they want in on the action.
BISHOPS DEFEND CHRISTMAS: 'Inclusiveness and Diversity'? No room for pagans with vengeance, excuse me, 'equity' on their rabid minds. Bullpucky.
Criminals are NOT equal to victims. Time to go back to what works. 'Let the
punishment fit the crime'. Good for bishops who know Christmas is salvific for
all who embrace its meaning.... 🎄🌠👼
BYE BYE CUOMO: My take on this joker. BOTH he and big brother were grooming themselves for higher office and politics. Cuomo Sr wanted a shot at the White House. Bet he was steamed that President Trump had that $1 Billion dollars to
do it too! Fredo wanted in on that as well eventually and sadly we haven't heard the last from him you watch. An Arnie Schwarzenegger pipsqueak. Nothing to see here. 🃏🃏
TWITTER SLAMMED FOR CENSORSHIP: Guess Project Veritas got under their skin. So painful, huh? Truth hurts especially for lefties. 🎤📱💻📹📸🔎
ACTIVISTS EAT ABORTION PILLS: C'mon they're stupid kids in the spotlight.
Looked like Good n' Plenty licorice candy to me. Choo Choo!!! Remember that commercial for it!!! 🍫🍫🍫🍫

Thank you Christine for all these reports. 💐 You and Michael, busy as ever.
Thursday December 2nd Feastday: St Bibiana (Viviana) (4th C.) V., M., Pt. of single
women (Trad) Pray for this Pro-life cause dear ancient Saint. 🕯🕯🕯🕯