Thursday, February 24, 2022

CUPICH CIRCUS NEWS: VIDEO William Mahoney, Ph.D. • • February 23, 2022 21 Comments Liturgical double standard



by William Mahoney, Ph.D.  •  •  February 23, 2022    21 Comments

Liturgical double standard

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Chicago's cardinal-archbishop is fine with liturgical abuse, but not with the Traditional Latin Mass. While the Windy City cardinal was quick to crack down on the TLM in the wake of Traditionis Custodes, he has yet to crack down on rampant liturgical exploitation.

Church Militant's William Mahoney looks at the great liturgical divide in the name of so-called unity.

Fr. Terry Keehan, pastor, Holy Family Parish: "Loving God, rock with us as we roll with you."

Father Terry Keehan, the pastor of Holy Family in Inverness, Illinois, concluded Mass with a blessing, using a guitar like a monstrance. Once, in a paraliturgical ceremony, Keehan also blessed brownies on the altar.

Fr. Keehan: "May they become more than brownies as we delight in them. May they empower the Annie Sullivan in all of us."

Keehan does not need permission from Chicago's Cdl. Blase Cupich to abuse the Liturgy, and there are no restrictions on his innovative liturgical performances. But Cupich does require priests to get special permission to offer the TLM.

Now, in effect, Cupich's policy for implementing the pope's motu proprio almost outlaws the Mass of the Ages. The cardinal's implementation concludes, "This policy will be reviewed in two years."

Meanwhile, southwest of the liturgical abuses at Holy Family in Inverness are those at St. Sabina in Chicago.

Fr. Michael Pfleger: "I don't care what you got or what you're wearing, where you live. Sometime [sic], you got to understand that you ain't enough."

And the list of liturgical abuses in the archdiocese goes on and on. One wonders how someone like the patron saint of diocesan priests, St. John Vianney, would fare in Cupich's archdiocese.

Cupich sits with Newark's "nighty-night, baby" cardinal, Joseph Tobin, on the Congregation for Bishops. The two are key players in helping the pope appoint bishops worldwide.


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