Friday, April 29, 2022

ARCHBISHOP VIGNERON, PLEASE RETIRE NEWS: Anonymous priest • • April 29, 2022 5 Comments No vocations in Detroit



by Anonymous priest  •  •  April 29, 2022    5 Comments

No vocations in Detroit

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Detroit's Abp. Allen Vigneron recently announced he has absolutely no one to ordain this spring.

Abp. Allen Vigneron

Instead of handing in his resignation to Pope Francis owing to his dismal shepherding of the archdiocese, he calls on the all-too-few Catholics left in southeast Michigan to pray.

Yes, as a priest, I will pray for vocations. But I'll also pray that Vigneron steps down before he destroys what little is left of the once-great archdiocese. In decades past, Detroit boasted of its prominent cardinals. Now the only thing left to boast about in Motown is its numerous pot shops and squalor!

Understand, Your Eminence, one of the main reasons red-blooded males are not lining up to be ordained this spring by you is because they don't buy the whole gay priesthood thing. What did you expect would be the long-term consequences of ordaining gay men to the Detroit presbyterate during your tenure as archbishop, a new Pentecost? Father light-in-the-loafers is anathema to straight men and their families. And although you may not realize it, everyone with a brain sees a gay priesthood as an open contradiction to the Faith.

The Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church both condemn homosexuality and all its ugly manifestations.

Everyone with a brain sees a gay priesthood as an open contradiction to the Faith.GabTweet

Dispensations for having Mr. Gayman with Mrs. Gayman hanging onto his shoulder as parish music director are not permitted in our Sacred Tradition. Straight men see any accommodation for this type of sinful behavior for what it is, a direct assault against our Faith and our families. And straight dads with any sense remove their sons and themselves as far away as they can from such men. Yes, Mr. Gayman music director may be competent at directing Mozart's Requiem Mass. But parishes need to be straight-friendly as compared to havens for homosexuals.

The Vortex: Caught Red-Handed

Vigneron, when you were installed 11 years ago as Detroit's archbishop, some of us held out hope that you would immediately end the Dignity Masses that had been going on for decades at Marygrove College and elsewhere in the archdiocese. Sad to say, you did nothing.

In 2020, COVID had more to do with bringing Dignity to its end than any intervention on your part to censure or penalize this dissident group of Catholics and their gay priests.

Archbishop, wake up! The archdiocese of Detroit is dying. As a priest in this rapidly dying Church, I recommend that, in addition to calling the faithful to pray, you also do some serious repenting for your part in facilitating the death of the archdiocese.

This repentance perhaps could include something along the lines of what played out in the Book of Job. Detroit certainly has a lot of burned-out structures in which you could spend some time sitting and completing your penance!

Archbishop, wake up! The archdiocese of Detroit is dying. GabTweet

Repent for how you permitted one of the finest priests in our presbyterate to be slandered and removed from his pastorate. I, for one, condemn what you allowed to play out with Fr. Eduard Perrone at Assumption Grotto.

What flabbergasts most of us priests is how you failed to fathom the repercussions of your vile actions. Do you really think any man would want to be ordained by you after how you treated Fr. Perrone?


Fr. Eduard Perrone performing the
laying on of hands 

When talking these days with young men interested in the priesthood, I direct them as far away as possible from Detroit's Sacred Heart Seminary. I was blessedly able to safely sail through the seminary to ordination. But, these days, I question if this is even possible for any straight candidate for the priesthood. Most manly candidates in our seminaries are sidelined either because of their orthodoxy or because they just don't buy the normalization of homosexuality in the priesthood. It's no wonder vocations have tanked.

It's time, Your Excellency, to admit that your tenure as Detroit's archbishop has been a complete failure. Today, the archdiocese is in dire straits with thousands just walking away from the Faith. And this is in large part because of your tacit approval of so many gay priests in the presbyterate.

Moreover, to compound this already dreadful situation playing out within the archdiocese, your move to close and consolidate parishes under the ruse of establishing Families of Parishes has not helped. This unwelcome initiative has only exacerbated an already bad situation by stripping archdiocesan pastors of their canonical rights and depleting many parishes of their assets.

News Report: Detroit Church Demolished

Archbishop, it is going to take a lot more than a few prayers offered by the faithful to bring back seminarians to the seminary. What it's going to take is a full atonement on your part for your complicity in the crime of destroying the once-great archdiocese.

Gay priests in the archdiocese have to go! Straight priests have to be respected and not persecuted! Gay employees have to be dismissed. Let the gay music mafia take their show tunes elsewhere! 

The gospel of Our Lord, instead of being reworked or edited for nefarious purposes, needs to be proclaimed. Of all the farces perpetrated upon the faithful, the notion that the gospel and our Sacred Tradition can be tweaked to condone sodomy has to be recanted. The matter has been settled. And renunciation of sin must begin with you as our ordinary.


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