One of the greatest Marian saints

Today is the feast day of one of the most influential Marian saints in Church history. Church Militant's Paul Murano takes a look at the treasure this unique, humble priest gave to the modern era.
St. Louis de Montfort was an 18th-century French priest dedicated to the poor. Yet, he's perhaps best known for his insightful work in Marian theology.
Fr. Chase Hilgenbrinck, diocese of Peoria: "He started to see the Blessed Virgin Mary as the instrument that would bring all people back to trust in Jesus' mercy."
A summary of de Monfort's spirituality can be seen in two of his personal mottos: "To Jesus through Mary" and "Totally yours."
Recognizing the strong intercessory power of Mary as Mediatrix of grace, de Montfort taught that "Mary is the safest, easiest, shortest and most perfect way of approaching Jesus."
De Montfort is popular today as author of two devotional books — The Secret of the Rosary and True Devotion to Mary.
Narrator, Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network: "Among all devotions, that which most consecrates us and conforms a soul to Our Lord is devotion to Mary, His holy mother."
True Devotion includes preparation for total consecration to Jesus through Mary, a practice still ever-popular today. Seven popes have publicly praised this book. John Paul II said it was a decisive turning point in his life.
From the throne of His Cross, Jesus gave Mary as mother of the Church. She's not only mother of the Church as a whole, but, as de Montfort reminds us, she's also mother of each individual Christian.
Fr. Kevin Barrett, chaplain, Apostolate for Family Consecration: "If you've never done the de Montfort consecration, take this meditation book, and set apart 40 days."
If you seek to love Jesus through a pure heart, St. Louis de Montfort recommends supplication to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
A basilica has been erected in Louis' honor in the French town where he died in 1716. He was canonized by Pope Pius XII in 1947.